This exercise asks us to imagine in producing our work that we are a Secretariat, or a group of people who have the responsibility for learning these theories so well—including through probing their assumptions & implications, and systematically developing our viewpoints in relation to these—that we can be relied upon, as an expert collective, to present these ideas clearly to each other (standing in for an imagined educated but uninformed public who must act upon our counsel, itself representing our own intellectual development over time).

This exercise asks us to imagine in producing our work that we are a Secretariat, or a group of people who have the responsibility for learning these theories so well—including through probing their assumptions & implications, and systematically developing our viewpoints in relation to these—that we can be relied upon, as an expert collective, to … Continue reading ” This exercise asks us to imagine in producing our work that we are a Secretariat, or a group of people who have the responsibility for learning these theories so well—including through probing their assumptions & implications, and systematically developing our viewpoints in relation to these—that we can be relied upon, as an expert collective, to present these ideas clearly to each other (standing in for an imagined educated but uninformed public who must act upon our counsel, itself representing our own intellectual development over time).”


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