School Setting Thy

School Setting Thy Reply to:  ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopment disorder in children. This disorder is usually diagnosed during childhood and last throughout adulthood. With this disorder the individual may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, and being overly active. At times children are diagnosis with this disorder due to behavioral … Read more

One Double Spaced Page

One Double Spaced Page Chapter 13 In describing the role of the therapist in structural family therapy, the therapist should never be a ‘player’ in the family interaction, but instead works to change the family structure without becoming a part of it. Discuss how this can be done and why it is important to not … Read more

Job Burnout Among Working

Job Burnout Among Working The assignment: Write an introduction about (The prevalence of job burnout among working women). The introduction should give: 1- Brief background of the topic you are discussing/presenting. 2- State the main aims and objectives of your piece of work.  3- Why did you choose this topic (why is it important?)  Note:  … Read more

Public Module 2

Public Module 2 I need the following discussion assignments in 120 words each. Please provide references to each individual question in each answer provided.  MODULE 1 DQ1 What are the main attributes of communication campaigns? Provide at least one example of a current communication campaign and explain what qualities of the campaign makes it effective … Read more

Mills ’ “ Sociological

Mills ’ “ Sociological   You are preparing to conduct a study on residential eviction in West Coconut Grove. The following concept will become your dependent variable: residential eviction. Although you will examine the relationship of several independent variables (such as “race”) to residential eviction, for this specific assignment you will focus on only one … Read more

100 Words Include References

100 Words Include References Read classmates post and respond with 100 words include references: According to our textbook, The Hemic and Lymphatic Systems subsection is 38100 through 38999 and is divided into four subheadings Spleen, General, Lymph Nodes, and Lymphatic Channels. (Buck, Saunders, 2022, p.489). The subheading can be divided further depending on the procedure … Read more

Case Presentation Components

  Your write up should include all of the following components:   A brief description of your school community, including relevant school programming and availability of mental health service providers Background information which is necessary to understanding the clinical issue/case, including: o            presenting concern(s) o            client context (family, social, economic, cultural, etc.) o            relevant history … Read more

Samantha Chanel De Vera

Samantha Chanel De Vera Samantha Chanel De Vera Posted Date Mar 24, 2022, 12:00 AM UnreadReplies to Megan Marr Mr. Jackson is an 18-year-old that presented with complaints of recent onset of abdominal pain that started 5 hours prior to admission. He described the pain as burning that is worsened with straightening up and is … Read more

G Afib

G Afib Amelia Mangunereplied toShawna WilliamsMar 24, 2022, 6:26 PMUnreadReplies to Shawna Williams Acute abdominal pain (specifically severe) demands a prompt assessment because a missed or delayed diagnosis may lead to significant morbidity and mortality (Greenberger, 2017). Greenberger (2017) also explains the initial step in determining whether the patient has a life-threatening basis of acute … Read more

Goes Beyond Basic Evaluations

Goes Beyond Basic Evaluations Discussion response #1 follow up question RE:” Retraining the general manager on how to efficiently conduct performance evaluations and reiterating the significance of doing so correctly and successfully could have filled in the holes left by the absence of such training.” Great points about retraining. What might you include in such … Read more


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