Combats Climate Change

Combats Climate Change   Locate a cool project  that combats climate change so cool and exciting that you want to tell someone about it (even outside of this class) so cool and exciting that you would even argue that such a project should used in your community, state, or country.  the project should be in … Read more

United Airlines Flight 3411

United Airlines Flight 3411 Develop a short report, 3 pages, on a crisis a brand suffered through as documented through social media analysis. Discuss what the initial problem was, how the brand reacted, and then how the public reacted to the brand. You should then make suggestions that come from this analysis. What I am … Read more

Learning Core Curriculum Fine

Learning Core Curriculum Fine The goal of the creative art project is to provide you with an opportunity to create an original work of art and show how much you learned in this class. You can choose any visual form or medium and show your creativity and imagination. You are required to submit a creative … Read more

High Local Content Requirements

High Local Content Requirements In this assignment, you need to 1. Describe the legal environment of Brazil, making specific references to – the rule of law (to what extent is Brazil governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials) and – laws that govern foreign direct investment (for example, are there … Read more

Research Project Outlining Possible

Research Project Outlining Possible Instructions Read the required chapters from the text in accordance with the syllabus. Write a research project outlining possible career paths in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM) and, based upon independent research, discuss how different organizations might develop and implement a strategic HRM plan. Research Project Instructions: IMPORTANT! Submit … Read more

Three Top Elements

Three Top Elements   Discussion #1 What is the difference between base pay and variable pay? Give examples from your own organization. Use at least one resource from the course readings and respond to at least one colleague. Discussion #2 What are three top elements to consider when setting compensation and why? Support your answer with … Read more

Critical Incident Job Analysis

Critical Incident Job Analysis Provide two examples of critical incidents (one positive and one negative) for a middle school teacher Please do not use the incident of Mary Kay Letourneau, a schoolteacher at Burien’s Shorewood Elementary School, as an example described in the introduction to this assignment. Also, use the news media or personal experiences … Read more

Emergency Department Provides 24

Emergency Department Provides 24  RESPOND 300 WORDS  I work at Russell Medical Center in Alexander City, Alabama.  The hospital is located at 3316 Highway 280 West, Alexander City, Alabama 35010. The website is . Russell Medical provides inpatient and outpatient care. The mission statement is simple: “Being the best because we care.” Russell Medical … Read more

Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance   Remember that when you started the process of determining your research topic, your conceptualization of possible research was most likely quite broad and you knew that you must narrow the topic so that the research would be doable and very specific. For this assignment, focus on the following questions: Now that … Read more

“ Annual Sales ”

“ Annual Sales ” In preparation for writing your report to senior management next week, conduct the following descriptive statistics analyses with Microsoft® Excel®. Answer the questions below in your Microsoft® Excel® sheet or in a separate Microsoft® Word document: Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.” Annual Sales is … Read more


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