Zimbardo Prison Study

Zimbardo Prison Study Presentation Topic  1)The  zimbardo prison study (10 minutes presentation)  2)near about 10 slides  3)clean and clear not too many words, use picture and diagram only  4) Presenting-use slides to present don’t present the slides and engage the audience use you tube video links on the last slide.  WE ALL KNOW CLASSWORK IS … Read more

Apus Library Approximately 3

Apus Library Approximately 3   Apply decision-making techniques. Determine factors affecting decision implementation. Evaluate resources and actions required for implementation. Evaluate ethical implications of a decision. Evaluate decision-making outcomes and processes. Prompt Develop a business editorial that presents your position on a timely business issue. Support your position with credible references on your topic of … Read more

Important Economic Impact

Important Economic Impact   Answer all questions 1-4 below with 2-3 paragraphs each.  1-1. Did it surprise you that logistics has such an important economic impact? Why or why not? 1-2. Distinguish between possession, form, time, and place utility. 1-3. How does logistics contribute to time and place utility? 1-4. How can a particular logistics … Read more

Rule 40 Particularly Limits

Rule 40 Particularly Limits Quiz Three- Social Media in Sport Citation Required after every response  1. Follow the social media communication efforts of a single team. Categorize every message disseminated by the team and try to uncover the organization’s strategies and objectives behind their social media communications. 2. Discuss whether social media can truly be … Read more

FIN 405 Takehome Exam

QUESTION 1 For the next fiscal year, you forecast net income of $50,000 and ending assets of $500,000. Your firm’s payout ratio is 20%. Your beginning stockholders’ equity is $300,000, beginning debt is $100,000 and your beginning total liabilities are $120,000. Your non-debt liabilities such as accounts payable are forecasted to increase by $10,000.  What is … Read more

Define and then briefly discuss FIVE of the following six ideologies by describing what sort of systems: Political Systems, OU, UK

Define and then briefly discuss FIVE of the following six ideologies by describing what sort of systems and policies a state following the ideology would mostly set up and uphold, and what the main positive and negative outcomes might be. Liberalism Socialism Conservatism Fascism Communism Anarchism Describe the distinguishing features of a state that can … Read more

In the fall of 1991, George Bush saw his own attorney general defeated in an off-year Pennsylvania senatorial race: International Politics, UCL, UK

In the fall of 1991, George Bush saw his own attorney general defeated in an off-year Pennsylvania senatorial race. Richard Thornburgh, once a popular governor, fell victim to attacks by Harris Wofford, aging, politically inexperienced, unabashedly liberal college professor. The Democrats succeeded in a state that had rejected their candidates in every Senate election since … Read more

What impact does organizational culture have on individual/ team performance and why? What can a manager do to influence organizational culture: Managing People, UoB, UK

What impact does organizational culture have on individual/ team performance and why? What can a manager do to influence organizational culture? What skills does a manager need to manage individuals and teams? What are the main causes of problems occurring in this organization? What is their impact on the organization? How these problems could be … Read more

Describe a key business process of a selected organization & Describe a Business Intelligence System that could be used to support elements: Business Intelligence, UOG, UK

Describe a key business process of a selected organization. Describe a Business Intelligence System that could be used to support elements of the business process. Discuss the extent of the impact that your BI system will have on the business process. Discuss how the current legal, ethical and regulatory context could affect its functionality/implementation. cta_qestion_2 … Read more


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