BM1202: Consider what you expect to be the most important characteristics of an effective manager in this function over the next ten years: Management Lab and Business Skills, UOL, UK

Instructions Part A: Consider what you expect to be the most important characteristics of an effective manager in this function over the next ten years. You can identify personal characteristics, abilities, or skills that a manager should develop. This is your opportunity to find out more about the function and to summarise what it entails. … Read more

4ACCN009W: Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of publicly available corporate report information and the role of this information: Accounting and Finance for Business, UOW, UK

Learning Outcomes Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of publicly available corporate report information and the role of this information in informing business decisions. Identify principles underpinning information technology and the ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of digital skills in relation to financial information. Summary: Using financial ratio analysis as well as other techniques, … Read more

Identify a brownfield site in your neighborhood that is suitable for a mixed-use development: Sustainable Construction Assignment, UOW, UK

Identify a brownfield site in your neighborhood that is suitable for a mixed-use development. It may be a live site undergoing construction or speculative only. Using photographs of this site and your own research to convey your specific local context explain how the site’s characteristics naturally lend themselves to the sustainable urban design principles listed … Read more

ENT07101: The Pitch is your first assignment in the module and will be delivered in teams composed of 5-6 students: Exploring Entrepreneurship, ENU, UK

The Pitch is your first assignment in the module and will be delivered in teams composed of 5-6 students. Subsequently, the teams shall select an entrepreneur and deploy the knowledge background acquired during the lectures, tutorials, and secondary study to present the pitch. The Team Presentation will be instrumental in introducing the entrepreneur you have … Read more

BMIH5005: Briefly discuss the hotel on which the proposal is to be based. Within your discussion identify the current issue: Personnel Resourcing and Development, UoB, UK

Learning Outcomes Demonstrate a critical understanding of the managerial and business environment within which personnel professionals work and analyze how resourcing an organization is influenced by internal and external factors that determine firms’ need to recruit, select, socialize, performance manage, and mobilize people to meet and exceed their objectives and sustain competitive advantage; Effectively communicate … Read more

State How the slippery slope theory contributes to ethical behavior in law enforcement. – My Blog

Please respond directly to the below classmate discussion post. Minimum of 100 words. How the slippery slope theory contributes to ethical behavior in law enforcement. How does the slippery slope contribute to illegal and unethical decision-making in policing or corrections. The meaning of “slippery slope”in criminal justice is a concept or plan of action which … Read more

What everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why did you choose this activity or product? Why is it important? – My Blog

Create a PowerPoint presentation. Think about what you do every day, and how the activity uses energy or natural resources. Think about a product you buy how it was made, what natural resources were used to make it? presentation must include: What everyday activity or product have you chosen to present? Why did you choose … Read more

Describe what you think of the proposed redesign to the General Education of the University System of Georgia. – My Blog

For this discussion activity, follow the following steps in the Discussion area in this learning module. Step one: In a few sentences, describe what you think the purpose of a Core Curriculum should be. Step two: Describe what you think of the proposed redesign to the General Education of the University System of Georgia. Step three: Describe … Read more


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