Would Body Art

Would Body Art each answer must be at 1-2 paragraphs. 1. Explain the meaning of Semiotics and how artists incorporated language into their work.  2. Why would Body art (as performance or otherwise) primarily be the domain of women artists?  3. Describe how the Civil Rights Movement during the 60’s shaped and informed work by … Read more

Terms “ Citibank Backup

Terms “ Citibank Backup Using a Web browser and a search engine, search the terms“CitiBank backup tapes lost.”  You will find many results. Select one article and identify what that article considers a shortcoming in CitiBank’s planning. What part of the contingency planning process came up short  (IR, BP, or CP)? How could the shortcoming … Read more

Routine Data Breaches Underscore

Routine Data Breaches Underscore What is the Purpose of Technology? What is the role of technology in business solutions? Tell us about a technology your purchased for your home or work that did not work efficiently. Explain how it failed to meet the purpose & role of technology. What can you do or recommend to make the … Read more

Manage Filing Systems Containing

Manage Filing Systems Containing    The three examples below show how information security can be integrated into a strategic organization plan; 1. Form an Information Security Team – The first step in information security is determining who should have a seat at the table. The organization must accept ultimate responsibility for security rather than simply … Read more

First Authors ’ Last

First Authors ’ Last FAM 401-FAM 475 Crossover Family Issue Presentation (50 points) Early in the semester, you will have the opportunity to expand on an assignment that you completed in FAM 401. You will take the 5-slide PowerPoint that you created for the FAM 401-FAM 475 Crossover Assignment and add an additional 5 slides … Read more

Sometimes Several Pages Long

Sometimes Several Pages Long Instructions One of the reasons that the statute of frauds requires that certain contracts be in writing is because proof of the contract (and the terms within) is easier than if the contract is verbal, but written contracts are sometimes several pages long and contain legal terms that may mean something … Read more

Great Research Tool …

Great Research Tool … Blog Post  Length: 500-650 words  1. For this assignment, you will be writing in a digital genre where you approach your work and write for a real audience of academic and public readers.  2. Your topic should introduce and interpret a text (or, alternatively, an image set) from the course readings … Read more

500 Words Revolutionary Writings

500 Words Revolutionary Writings  Read the selections of revolutionary writings. Respond to these using the readings, the text, the lectures, and most importantly, your critical thinking skills and interpretive abilities. Base your discussion on the themes and concepts from the readings and lectures.  Must be 500 words   Revolutionary writings: The U.S. Declaration of Independence … Read more

Find 2 Attachments Instructions

Find 2 Attachments Instructions Hi, this is a group presentation of my supply chain course in which I just want you to do my part only which is highlighted in yellow. You have to make me PowerPoint and speaker notes of my part. So, the PowerPoint slides should be 3 pages and speakers’ notes should … Read more

Discussion Drop Boxes

Discussion Drop Boxes Has to be at least 400-500 words,  should focus on the assigned theme. The discussion Drop Boxes will close at 11:59 PM on the due date and will not be reopened for late submissions. The grading scale for the posts is below: 0-33 pts.= You simply regurgitate the information in the material. … Read more


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