7 Weeks ’ Gestation

7 Weeks ’ Gestation   Laura is a 26-year-old G2P1 who had a cesarean delivery for fetal distress with her first pregnancy. Laura is now struggling with deciding between scheduling a repeat cesarean delivery or attempting a VBAC. (Learning Objective 8) In order to ensure that Laura has the facts to assist her in her … Read more

Post Attachments – Post

Post Attachments – Post   Instructions: Main Post 325 Words Click on the Create Thread button at the top of the page to post your main response to the weekly discussion. Type the Number and Name of your topic as the subject heading to let students easily see the list of topics that have already … Read more

Maintain Team Cohesion Within

Maintain Team Cohesion Within Learning Activity #1 Think back to a recent small group meeting (not your current team within this course) that you attended. Describe the following key information about the meeting: What was the position of who called the meeting? What was the meeting about? Was there an agenda? Was the purpose of … Read more

Whose Career Fields Involve

Whose Career Fields Involve   Instructions: Peer Responses 125 Words Each Click Reply when in a post to nest your responses under that main post.RESEARCH (Label this section) Teach the topic to students. Responses must add new information not previously discussed. Consider new factual information tied with critical thinking. Share interesting and current research on the … Read more

Scholarly Resource

Scholarly Resource Short Paper: The Challenge of Ethical Behavior Instructions Read the resource article titled: The Challenge of Ethical Behavior in Organizations by Ronald R. Sims. Research and find another article that discusses a code of ethics (use a scholarly resource). Answer the following questions: Outline the existing code of ethics for your organization. How … Read more

Critical Thinking Quiz Link

Critical Thinking Quiz Link Critical Thinking Assignment:  Problem Solving Paper About customer services  Follow the instructions on the Problem Solving Paper attachment on the dashboard below the Critical Thinking Quiz link.  Please refer to your textbook discussion on Problem Solving Strategies for assistance.   Note you will NOT have to write 500 words this week for … Read more

Certain Barriers May Inhibit

Certain Barriers May Inhibit   Certain barriers may inhibit our progress towards achieving our SMART goals. For example, lack of time, social influence, lack of energy, lack of willpower, fear of injury, lack of skill, lack of resources, weather conditions, travel, school and family obligations, etc. 1) Identify and briefly describe three challenges or difficulties … Read more

Beliefs Might Affect Relationships

Beliefs Might Affect Relationships   What strategies will you use to intentionally prepare for culturally competent practice with Hispanic children and families? If you have limited access to Hispanic clients, it will be important to draw from scholarly research? How will you identify and engage with community leaders and informants who possess critical relationships with … Read more

Case Study 3 Constructed

Case Study 3 Constructed case study 1Vivian Lopez and Loren San will be opening a pastry store called Tasty Desserts. They are opening in two weeks and have still not decided how much to charge for their cakes and how much they should spend on advertisements and promotions, The following information is available:Tasty Dessert’s variable … Read more

Your supervisor has asked you to lead a team of paralegals in your office in a project to prepare a public service PowerPoint p – Essayde Paper Writing Website

Your supervisor has asked you to lead a team of paralegals in your office in a project to prepare a public service PowerPoint presentation to the community about how a case moves through your state’s criminal court system. This presentation will explain the steps in how a case moves through the courts and who is … Read more


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