GRADING RUBRIC Criterion 1 A – 4 – Mastery Skillfully identified 4


Criterion 1

A – 4 – Mastery

Skillfully identified 4 or more key leadership qualities/skills needed to successful manage change and explained in detail why they are important.

Criterion 2

A – 4 – Mastery

Explained, in detail and with complexity, how leadership attitude, understanding, and empathy can impact the environment and culture during the change process, Include several examples.

Criterion 3

A – 4 – Mastery

Skillfully, identified three or more internal and three or more external environmental factors that impact the need for organizational change. Explained in detail how they impact the organization.

Criterion 4

A – 4 – Mastery

Assessed, in detail with complexity, four or more obstacles to change in the organization. You included detailed explanations on resistance and uncertainty.

Criterion 5

A – 4 – Mastery

Demonstrates an exemplary application of spelling and grammar.

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