Week 3 – Creative Writing- Analyzing Nonfiction

Wk 3 Assignment 1: Analyzing Nonfiction

This assignment asks you to provide an analysis of the elements of creative nonfiction on display in David Foster Wallace’s “Consider the Lobster.” http://www.columbia.edu/~col8/lobsterarticle.pdf


Compose a two page (minimum 750 words) narrative response analyzing the following characteristics of this piece.
  • How does Wallace develop the setting in this piece? What does it feel like? How does he achieve that feeling and why might he be striving to make the reader feel that way?
  • How does Wallace use research to support his narrative? There are two different elements of research on display in this piece: 1) the details of Wallace’s experience at the festival itself and 2) the research he has done before and after the actual event to help inform himself and the reader. How are both elements working on the reader of this piece? How is he employing them and how are the effecting the reader?
  • In what ways might Wallace’s piece inform how you approach (or how you WILL NOT approach) your own creative nonfiction pieces? Why? Be specific.
Assignment Requirements:
  • This assignment should be a minimum of 750  words in length, using Times New Roman size 12pt font and double spacing.

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