Week 7 Summative Assessment: Integrative Paper, Part 3: Applying Systems



Upon completion of all three parts of the Integrative Paper, you will have brought together the systems theories, contemporary research, and your application of this work to a real-world opportunity for improvement. The result will be recommendations for change and innovation through the lens of systems thinking.


Read the Integrative Paper Guidelines to prepare for this final of three assignments during this course.


Review the results from your analysis of a problem or innovation opportunity conducted in Week 5.


Write the 1,050- to 1,225-word “Application” section of your integrative paper in which you do the following:

  • State the specific problem or innovation opportunity.
  • Summarize the setting within the health care organization where this problem/opportunity exists.
  • Identify and describe the stakeholders involved and those who are essential to effecting change (and why).
  • Describe the recommended solution in complex systems thinking terms.
  • Specify the expected outcomes and how they will be measured, including (but not limited to) how results from this solution contribute to the organization’s pursuit of the Triple Aim.
  • Present a synthesis of the specific theories, conceptual models, and research into complex systems thinking and innovation that support your recommended solution. Be persuasive by drawing on scholarly sources used in the “Breadth” and “Depth” sections.


Write a 350- to 700-word “Conclusion” section for the paper in which you do the following:

  • Discuss how the solution will improve the performance of the health care organization.
  • Contribute to the knowledge and understanding of the broader health care ecosystem and discuss how such problems or opportunities can be addressed in other organizations.


Compile the final assignment. The paper should be a cohesive, integrated combination of the four sections, taking into account facilitator feedback provided to assignments submitted in previous weeks. The body of the paper should be 3,500–4,375 words, not counting the title page or reference page.


Support your descriptions and analysis with references to 5 credible sources.


Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Submit your assignment.



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