NUR 4827 – DB #2 Elements of Change – Write My Paper Today

– Use the standard English grammar and spelling

– References are cited (if necessary)

– Post must be 150-300 words. 

The health care environment is rapidly changing, and nursing should be proactive in guiding change. Nurse leaders are in a unique position to be change agents. You have two staff nurses that have recently completed graduate degrees as a clinical nurse leader (CNL). You have received administrative approval to change the current nursing model on your unit to incorporate the role of the CNL.

  • Question 1: Using Lewin’s Theory of Change, describe specific strategies you will employ to incorporate the CNL role for each of Lewin’s three stages of change.
  • Question 2: Not everyone on your nursing unit is excited to incorporate the role of the CNL into the nursing model because it requires a change in their current job responsibilities. Propose strategies to overcome staff resistance to change.

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