You can select a company and a project you are working on or you have worked on in the past: Advance Project Management Course Work, UBT, UK

Scenario 1 

You can select a company and a project you are working on or you have worked on in the past. If you choose this scenario your report should start with a short description of the company and project

Scenario 2

The Hilti Group implements the new cloud-based software Salesforce In 2018 the Hilti Group, has decided after 20 years to update the software used by its marketing and sales employees and migrate from SAP to Salesforce. This change requires the migration of all information from the old SAP to the new Salesforce software and re-skilling of all IT, marketing, and sales employees. The project is still running and by the time it will be completed, more than 20.000 employees across 23 countries will be involved and/or affected by this transformation. This project currently represents one of the biggest steps in Hilti’s digital transformation strategy to date.


You have been asked by the Chief Executive Officer of the company of your chosen scenario to provide a 5000-word consultancy report about the project that is going to be delivered. The report must cover the following:

A. Project Selection and Portfolio Management

Review the company website of your chosen scenario, examine its strategic goals and directions, and, based on this research, explain what type of projects you would expect the company to pursue and provide reasons why.

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