MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 2 Assignment Harvard Business Publishing – Organizational Behavior Simulation: Judgment in a Crisis This is the week you will complete a scenario in the Harvard Business Publishing – Organizational Behavior Simulation: Judgment in a Crisis You will need to log into the Harvard Business Publishing – Organizational Behavior Simulation: Judgement in Crisis simulation environment and review the instructions on how t

MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior 

Week 2 Assignment   Harvard Business Publishing – Organizational Behavior Simulation: Judgment in a Crisis This is the week you will complete a scenario in the Harvard Business Publishing – Organizational Behavior Simulation: Judgment in a Crisis You will need to log into the Harvard Business Publishing – Organizational Behavior Simulation: Judgement in Crisis simulation environment and review the instructions on how to participate. Students play the role of a product manager at Matterhorn Health, a medical device manufacturer. The company recently launched the GlucoGauge blood glucose monitor, the company’s most expensive product development effort to date. In spite of vigorous pre-release testing, there are problems reported by customers almost immediately after launch. Throughout the simulation, students will use a series of desktop applications to receive communications from their colleagues about the problem at hand. They will receive a barrage of information through various channels – email, video messages, voicemail messages, and instant message chats – requesting that they determine the root cause of the issue and make recommendations on how Matterhorn can get ahead of this problem. Although there is no wrong way to complete the simulation, be sure to follow all of the instructions. Once you completed the simulation, please answer the following questions in a word document and submit your document for grading: What are the decisions you made? Why did you make each of your decisions? What have you learned from this simulation? Completed Simulation with Press Release: 50 Points. Questions Rubric – 25 points. The total assignment is 75 points.   

MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 3 Assignment   Keeping Suzanne Chalmers The Case Study: Keeping Suzanne Chalmers is located in the Additional Cases section in the back of the textbook. After reading the case study in the textbook, answer the following questions for your initial post for this week. What course of action would you recommend? Why? How would your recommended course of action impact the leadership of this organization? What kind of motivational theory is displayed in this case?     

MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 4 Assignment   Organizational Culture Analysis Paper Research and find any free organizational culture quiz. Some free quiz sites are provided below, but feel free to search and use your own quiz. Culture Quiz (Links to an external site.) What’s Your Organizational Culture? (Links to an external site.) Take the quiz and then copy/paste your results into a Word document. In a one to two page document, answer the following questions: Discuss your learning experience impacted by the organizational culture quiz. Please specifically discuss/assess what you see as an ideal culture or a culture that is ideal for rapid change. Discuss how continuous improvement is impacting healthcare, banking, retail and/or government (choose one area). Merger of Lean and Six Sigma are interesting topics you can explore here.   

MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 2 Course Project   Objective Research shows that people learn effectively when working on real problems grounded in their work experience. To this end, the Individual Course Project is designed to incorporate students’ work experience into the learning process in this course. The project is an opportunity to explore, in-depth, a topic related to the course objectives (COs) that are of significance to your organization (current or former). You will be required to prepare 7 to 8 pages applied research paper excluding the cover page, table of contents, and appendices, on a specific issue related to leadership or organizational behavior. This research paper is to be individually completed. Guidelines Topic Selection (Due in Week 2) Select a specific organization of interest to you and identify a problem at the firm related to organizational behavior (OB). This maybe an organization where you currently serve or one where you have served. Think of yourself as an organizational consultant. Assume that a key manager has requested a thorough analysis and recommended course of action to resolve an actual organizational problem. Your goal is to develop recommendations that will make a positive difference to the performance of the organization. Your research paper should address the following three-course objectives, at a minimum: Course Objective A – Evaluate how organizational theories and practices can improve organizational operations. Course Objective B – Analyze how values, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and personality influence decision-making in the workplace. Course Objective C – Analyze the impact of different structures and lines of authority on organizational strategy and culture. Requirements APA Format & PaperCourse Project Papers (Due in Weeks 5, 6, and 8)Course Project Rubric Paper Format All papers should be double spaced, using an 11- or 12-point font. Refer to the APA Style Sheet for additional information. The length of the paper is to be between 7 to 8 pages, not counting the cover page, table of contents, nor appendices. The first page should include the title of the work, student name, course number and title, date, and professor name. The second page should be a table of contents. It should, at a minimum, reflect the seven items listed in the Grading Rubric. Follow APA style for general format and citations (see the APA Guidelines Tutorial in the Syllabus). The paper sections must adhere to the guidelines below, and each section must be labeled in the text. The language should be clear, concise, and precise. The tone should be professional, consistent, and not filled with jargon. Grammar and syntax (sentence structure) must be correct. The report must be free of misspellings and typos. Table and Figures All figures and tables must be referred to in your text before they appear on the page. Figures and tables should appear on the same page as, or the page after, the text that refers to them. All figures and tables need captions. Captions go below figures and above tables. Quotations and Citations Quotations and citations are crucial components of a research paper and must be present. Failure to properly cite research sources and borrowed ideas is plagiarism. Refer to the APA style guide for assistance with properly citing quoted or borrowed materials and ideas. Turnitin (see is used on all reports and projects. A report can be obtained for your review prior to submitting your final work. Make sure that you are in compliance with the University’s 20/80 rule.     

MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 5 Course Project   Literature Review / How Organizational Theories Improve Operations You will conduct a literature review on your topic which includes a minimum of eight scholarly resources for the project. In order to achieve a final list of eight scholarly sources in your paper, consider researching at least twenty to thirty relevant articles. Be sure and access the DeVry academic library at Additionally, you will answer the following question How organizational theories improve operations? Be sure to carefully consider your research question. Reflect on further defining your research problem (the problem you identified in your selected company.) As well, consider as a part of answering the question, whatever preliminary suggestions that seem relevant as solutions to your stated research question. This section should be +-3 pages (double-spaced). Please use APA format when writing this assignment. Submit your completed paper.   

MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 6 Course Project   Influential Decision Making / Structures and Lines of Authority In this week’s milestone, you will address two questions regarding your chosen organization. How do values and attitudes influence decision-making? How do values and attitudes influence the various structures and lines of authority? Be sure to carefully consider your research question. Reflect on further defining your research problem (the problem you identified in your selected company.) As well, consider as a part of answering the question, whatever preliminary suggestions that seem relevant as solutions to your stated research question. This section should be up to 3 pages (double-spaced). Please use APA format when writing this assignment. Submit your completed paper.   

MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior Week 8 Course Project   Objective Research shows that people learn effectively when working on real problems grounded in their work experience. To this end, the Individual Course Project is designed to incorporate students’ work experience into the learning process in this course. The project is an opportunity to explore, in-depth, a topic related to the course objectives (COs) that are of significance to your organization (current or former). You will be required to prepare 7 to 8 pages applied research paper excluding the cover page, table of contents, and appendices, on a specific issue related to leadership or organizational behavior. This research paper is to be individually completed. Guidelines Topic Selection (Due in Week 2) Select a specific organization of interest to you and identify a problem at the firm related to organizational behavior (OB). This maybe an organization where you currently serve or one where you have served. Think of yourself as an organizational consultant. Assume that a key manager has requested a thorough analysis and recommended course of action to resolve an actual organizational problem. Your goal is to develop recommendations that will make a positive difference to the performance of the organization. Your research paper should address the following three-course objectives, at a minimum: Course Objective A – Evaluate how organizational theories and practices can improve organizational operations. Course Objective B – Analyze how values, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and personality influence decision-making in the workplace. Course Objective C – Analyze the impact of different structures and lines of authority on organizational strategy and culture. Requirements APA Format & Paper 

Course Project Papers (Due in Weeks 5, 6, and 8)Course Project Rubric Framework papers are research papers that are typically used as a basis for additional exploration of specific topics in a larger study. A framework paper introduces and further explains a specific aspect of the study while also furthering an explanation of the main research question. During week’s 4, 5 and 6, you will be assigned specific topics to continue your research and to further explore. Your individual weekly papers should demonstrate an understanding of the background theories and concepts from within our course that is relevant to your topic. How to get started? Research your topic – Research it a great deal using the DeVry Library and/or any other academic library. Further, review all of the course material as well as the relevant research (typically journal articles) that help explore and study the organizational research problem you are studying. What is the overall purpose of a framework paper? Essentially, the purpose of a framework paper should be to explain the meaning and the challenges of the organizational problem as well as continue building on the body of knowledge as the beginning of plausible (and possible) solutions to ultimately help benefit the organization being studied. Steps to consider when drafting your Framework Paper: Review your (preliminary) research paper title and your research question. Review all research articles and information that you have found, so far. Review the course information paying particular attention to the relevant theories that address the week’s topic/question. Discuss and present the assumptions that relate to the theory or theories. Include the relevance to your research and topic. Be sure to explain why and how this is important to consider and discuss. For each weekly Framework Paper, include the following sections. Introduction Preliminary statement of the problem A detailed explanation of how this helps answer the stated research question Discuss and present the assumptions that relate to the theory or theories. Include the relevance to your research and topic. Be sure to explain why and how this is important to consider and discuss. What additional research is suggested by this information? Which solutions are suggested? Why? Do they appear valid? Relevant? How can you tell?


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