business marketing – Write My Paper Today

BUSN 2150 Extra Credit Opportunity

Throughout this course you have learned many new techniques for using Microsoft Outlook to its fullest potential. Now you have an opportunity to share what you have learned with others.  To earn extra credit you will use your skills to teach others how to perform some of the skills you learned.  You will use Screencast-o-matic to record your teaching (demonstration) of the following available topics. You do not have to cover all of the topics, only select the ones you feel you can sufficiently cover.

Available Topics:

·  Creating and Using Rules

·  Using Quick Steps

·  Managing Multiple Email Accounts

·  Importing and Exporting

·  Using Contacts with Other Office Programs

·  Using Multiple Calendars

·  Using Advanced Calendar Features

·  Using the Journal

Once your recording is completed, place a link to your video in the Extra Credit dropbox. Each recording has the potential to earn 50 points to be added to any work in the “Assignment” category

Refer to the additionally provided How To resources for using Screencast-o-matic.

Because this is an extra credit assignment, additional technical support is not available. See the course calendar for the due date.

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