Identification, Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility for Individuals with Disabilities PowerPoint – Write My Paper Today

 For this assignment, take on the role of a special education teacher at a K-5 elementary school. Your principal has asked you to prepare a powerpoint to inform new general education teachers about the basics of special education identification and referral, evaluation, and eligibility for individuals with disabilities.

Create a 10-15 slide digital presentation on the topic of special education referral, evaluation, and placement procedures.

Within your presentation:

  • Review the RTI and MTSS processes and how they support students with and without disabilities who are struggling academically.
  • Describe laws, policies, and procedures regarding referrals, assessments, and placements for students who have, or are suspected as having, a disability. Include which individuals may make such a referral, and distinguish special education identification from a special education referral .
  • Identify rights and responsibilities of students being evaluated for special education services, their parents, teachers, schools, and other professionals within the evaluation process .
  • Include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

Support your presentation with a minimum of three scholarly resources, referencing all applicable laws and policies

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