q1)Using a Web search engine, visit one of the popular disaster recovery/business continuity sites, such as www.disasterrecoveryworld.com, www.drj.com, www.drie.org, www.drii.org, or csrc.nist.gov. ● – Write My Paper Today

q1)Using a Web search engine, visit one of the popular disaster recovery/business continuity sites, such as www.disasterrecoveryworld.com, www.drj.com, www.drie.org, www.drii.org, or csrc.nist.gov.

●      Search for the terms hot site, warm site, and cold site.

●      Do the provided descriptions match those of chapter 10?

●      Why or why not

(Whitman, M. E., & Mattord, H. J. (2019). Management of information security (6th ed.) Cengage Learning

Print ISBN: 978-1337405713

eText ISBN: 978-1337671545

Supplemental text; for assignment research

Chopra, A. & Chaudhary, M. (2020). Implementing an information security management system: Security management based on ISO 27001 guidelines (1st ed.). Apress.

Print ISBN: 978-1484254127

eText ISBN: 978-1484254134)

The post q1)Using a Web search engine, visit one of the popular disaster recovery/business continuity sites, such as www.disasterrecoveryworld.com, www.drj.com, www.drie.org, www.drii.org, or csrc.nist.gov. ● – Write My Paper Today appeared first on Professors Essays.


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