Calculate the incidence, prevalence, mortality rate, and case fatality for females using the provided data. Calculations should not be age-specific. Use the data given to you to obtain an overall val – Write My Paper Today

Calculate the incidence, prevalence, mortality rate, and case fatality for females using the provided data. 

Calculations should not be age-specific. Use the data given to you to obtain an overall value for females for each of the four calculations listed above. 

Incidence =. # of ppl who get disease during time period/# of people free of disease at beginning of time period x 10^n 

Prevalence = # of ppl w/ disease during time period/ # of people in population at risk during time period x 10^n 

Case fatality = # of deaths from disease w/in time period/ # of people with disease in timer period x 100 

Mortality rate 

The post Calculate the incidence, prevalence, mortality rate, and case fatality for females using the provided data. Calculations should not be age-specific. Use the data given to you to obtain an overall val – Write My Paper Today appeared first on Professors Essays.


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