Case 26: PROCTER & GAMBLE – Write My Paper Today

Dear International Strategic Management Executives:


Please read from our attached  Textbook 1 Case 26: PROCTER & GAMBLE, the following Strategic Management case assigned for this Learning Module and please analyze and answer the following questions:

Answer Question 1-4


1. * What’s this Strategic Management Business Case about? I.E Executive Summary 

 Executive Summaries are much like any other summary in that their main goal is to provide a condensed version of the content of a longer report. The executive summary is usually no longer than 10% of the original document. It can be anywhere from 1-10 pages long, depending on the report’s length. Executive summaries are written literally for an executive who most likely DOES NOT have the time to read the original [document].Executive summaries make a recommendation. Accuracy is essential because decisions will be made based on your summary by people who have not read the original.

 2. * Detailed Financial Analysis  refer to attached  pdf Financial Ratio Tutorial 

  Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail your Financial Analysis section …  

3. * Industry Analysis (PESTEL Analysis and Porter 5 Forces)

        At LEAST 3 to 5 Bullet Points for EACH PESTEL section and Porter Forces

        Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH Bullet Point …

Refer to attached Porter Five Forces Chpt 003 ppt.  and The Five Forces pdf

4. * Business SWOT Analysis

        At LEAST 3 to 5 Bullet Points for EACH SWOT Analysis Section

        Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH Bullet Point  …

Refer to attached SWOT Analysis pdf example.

Due Sat June 11 @ 11:00pm 

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