Paper: Intellectual Property Priorities Assignment Instructions

Intellectual property (IP) is a significant asset for most companies. Patented products and processes often enable the company’s very existence. IP must be managed and protected in line with the fundamentals and mission of a company’s business and with the requirements of IP law. 

Review Business Ethics Flashpoint 8.1: Creator/Consumer Balance (located at the bottom of the ebook section on intellectual property, on page 183). This section of the text portrays negative actions by pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, but there have also been positive examples during the COVID-19 pandemic as companies set aside competitive interests to provide testing, equipment, and research in a more collaborative manner.

Respond to these questions posed in Flashpoint 8.1:

  • How should a for-profit corporation balance its      business needs with the needs of its customers?
  • Lives depend on products created by some      companies. Do these companies have a greater responsibility to work      towards benefitting the consumer more than themselves?
  • Look at the issue from a Biblical worldview. How      would you respond if you were running such a company?

Your should discuss how you achieve the creator/consumer balance, considering, e.g.,: 

  • Profit and return on investment for company      owners/shareholders
  • Protecting intellectual property of the company
  • Needs of patients, practitioners, and society
  • Biblical support and guidance for your positions
  • Any other legal and ethical concepts you believe      may be relevant
  • See, e.g., Fitzgerald, M. (2019, August 19). The CEOs      of nearly 200 companies just said shareholder value is no longer their main      objective. CNBC.

Support your analysis with at least 3 scholarly sources other than the course materials, cited in-text and in a reference list. You must also integrate Biblical worldview analysis.

This paper must contain at least 800 words and follow current APA format but does not require an abstract. The title page and reference list do not count towards the length requirement. Submit your paper as a Word document.

Submit your paper by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 5.

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