1. Click on this link https://www.cleanenergyministerial.org/resources/ and choose one 2. Write a report (500-600 words) that is APA formatted and referenced. 3. The report should include the follo – Write My Paper Today

1. Click on this link https://www.cleanenergyministerial.org/resources/ and choose  one

2. Write a report (500-600 words) that is APA formatted and referenced.  3. The report should include the following information:

  • Identification of the case study reviewed
  • A brief description of the company/organization
  • An overview of the steps taken to implement the energy management system
  • An overview of the key elements of their energy management system
  • An analysis of the energy and non-energy benefits of implementing the energy management system.
  • An analysis of some of the key barriers and success factors to implementing the energy management system.  Discuss alternative means you may have addressed those barriers if you were the energy manager.
  • Suggest other opportunities to expand their energy management programs.  Consider policies and systems suggested in your course readings as a starting point.
  • A review of the “Lessons Learned” and a discussion on how you, as an energy management professional, could apply those lessons in implementing an energy management system at another site or facility

The post 1. Click on this link https://www.cleanenergyministerial.org/resources/ and choose one 2. Write a report (500-600 words) that is APA formatted and referenced. 3. The report should include the follo – Write My Paper Today appeared first on Professors Essays.


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