Post Adventure |

Read the Post Graduation Adventure case on p. 154 in Ch. 5 of Project Management: The Managerial Process and submit an APA paper for the following


– As a hint, you should have an intro paragraph, 3 sections in the paper body (1 for each question at 200 words for each question) and a closing paragraph.

– In item 1 you must clearly state the project management methodology (i.e Top down, waterfall, etc) you are using and then apply it to the trip project. As another hint there are 4 trips being looked at here originating from the USA….one to Spain…one to France…one to South Africa…one to Vietnam….do not ignore any of them in your discussion.

– When you discuss cost in item 2 I need to see real values…this means you will do some research on costs. Not looking for you to be a travel agent and provide costs to the penny but there should be enough data to be able to make a decision of where to go based on cost. Costs should include more than just an airline ticket (think of when you go on a trip and all the other costs involved in taking a trip like hotel, food, etc). As a hint, the easiest way to show, compare, discuss the costs is to place them in a matrix/table with the various locations you are going to and show the total cost for an easy comparison.  

– Item 3 asks for non-cost; I need to see at least 2 non-cost items discussed and how they are impacting your decision on where to go for each location (for example, Spain and France weather are bad but Vietnam and South Africa have great weather so they are scoring higher based on the non cost factor of weather, etc, etc); only discuss non-cost items (you already have discussed cost in question 2). For example do not discuss money exchange rates here….that would be a cost factor. Something like the weather would be a non-cost item….and since I just gave you that one, weather cannot be one of your 2 items discussed….if it is in your paper you earn no points for it.  

– In your paper conclusion I should see your recommendation of the single place of where to go based on your paper discussion/findings. This is where you have looked at both the cost and non cost factors to make a decision. You may find that cost might outweigh the non-cost items or possibly it is the other way around where non-cost drives the decision or possibly a combination of them both. The purpose of the assignment is to help you gain insight that when you are working on a project you should consider all factors involved and not rush to a decision based on one factor. Read the Post Graduation Adventure case on p. 154 in Ch. 5 of Project Management: The Managerial Process.

Format your responses consistent with APA guidelines.

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