You’ve made it to the final stage of the iShirt campaign proposal! Cherie has asked you to create a set of persuasive voice annotated slides to present to Mr. Cook and the Board of Directors. The pres – Write My Paper Today

You’ve made it to the final stage of the iShirt campaign proposal! Cherie has asked you to create a set of persuasive voice annotated slides to present to Mr. Cook and the Board of Directors. The presentation will be used to earn approval for the iShirt campaign!


Please create a PowerPoint presentation to earn buy-in from senior management. Key elements of the presentation will include:

• PowerPoint deck with eight (8) slides – Slide 1 should be an introduction page, and slides 2-7 will cover each phase, and slide 8 should be a set of concluding thoughts.

• Voice annotate on each slide – Every slide should include voice annotation.

• Refer to the video in Readings and Resources for instructions on adding voice

annotations to your PowerPoint.

• Full screen images – Each slide should have an image that fills the page edge-to-

edge and captures the theme/content. Please limit the superimposed text to no

more than eight (8) words per slide.

• Include a full set of supporting notes in the Notes section of each slide. This is

where you will support your thoughts and ideas by using specific statistics, data, and supporting information.


• Submit your voice annotated slide presentation.

• Eight slides with resources and supporting notes.

**Any slide that is not voice-annotated will earn a zero for that slide**

**Any slide that does not have supporting notes will earn a zero for that slide**

The post You’ve made it to the final stage of the iShirt campaign proposal! Cherie has asked you to create a set of persuasive voice annotated slides to present to Mr. Cook and the Board of Directors. The pres – Write My Paper Today appeared first on Professors Essays.


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