A crisis intervention plan




A crisis intervention plan are procedures to follow when reducing the target behavior is ineffective. The goal to maintain safety for all students and staff. Many schools and districts have crisis plans to follow with the goal of maintaining safety for all students and staff.

Create a descriptive crisis plan in a way that others can easily follow once it is determined that reducing the target behavior has been unsuccessful. Consider the following if the target behavior escalates:

How long should a staff member allow the target behavior to continue before implementing the crisis plan?
At what point should the student exhibiting the target behavior be removed from the classroom or when should other students be removed for safety? Where does the student or students go?
When should administration be involved?
At what point should local authorities or the school‐based officer be contacted?
At what point should parents/guardians be contacted?
How will you know the crisis is over and full de‐escalation has occurred? What happens then?



The post A crisis intervention plan first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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