Chapter 1 A View of Life I. Match the following terms related

Chapter 1

A View of Life

I. Match the following terms related to the levels of organization of life with the correct description/definition:

atom a. a living being (may be single-celled or multicellular)

molecule b. the structural and functional unit of life; possesses a level of

complexity not seen in nonliving things

cell c. made up of atoms joined by chemical bonds

tissue d. made up of similar cells working together

organ e. composed of organs working together

organ system f. all the members of a species in an area

organism g. all of the earth’s ecosystems; regions of the earth’s

crust, waters, and atmosphere inhabited by organisms

population h. interacting populations in an area

community i. a community, plus its physical environment

ecosystem j. the simplest level of organization; composed of

protons, neutrons, and electrons

biosphere k. made up of similar tissues working together

II. You need to know the levels of organization (above) in order. Each builds upon the previous level and is more complex. These new, unique characteristics that are determined by interaction among the individual parts are known as _____________ properties.

III. Characteristics of Life (Note: This section is a cloze reading from your textbook.)

Life requires energy and materials

_____________ is the ability to do work.

_____________ is the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur in cells.

The ultimate source of energy for most organisms is the _______. Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria can capture solar energy in a process known as _______________. All life on earth gets energy from these producers (either directly or indirectly), even the photosynthetic organisms themselves.

2. Living organisms display _________________ (“steady state”), a state of biological balance. For life to exist, temperature, pH, moisture level, and other physiological factors must remain in a certain tolerance range of the organism.

3. A living organism ____________to stimuli.

4. A living organism has the ability to ________________ (make another organism like itself) and to _____________ (change to become an adult. A molecule called _______ contains the blueprint for the organization and metabolism of an organism. All cells in a multicellular organism contain the same genetic information, but only certain genes are turned on in each type of specialized cell. Not all members of a species are exactly alike due to _______________, inheritable changes in DNA, the genetic information.

5. Organisms have ________________, modifications that make organisms better suited to a particular environment. These adaptions provide the framework for evolutionary change. ____________ is the way in which populations of organisms change over time to become better suited to their environments. Natural ___________ is the mechanism of evolutionary change caused by environmental selection of organisms most fit to reproduce in an environment.

What are some adaptations that enable penguins function so well in their environment?

IV. _______________ is the science of identifying and classifying organisms according to certain rules. The taxa (classification categories from the broadest, most inclusive to the narrowest, most exclusive include: Domain, ____________, ______________, __________, ______________, _____________, ____________, species. There are three domains: ______________, ______________, and ___________________. Prokaryotes lack a true, membrane-bound ________________. Two domains consist of prokaryotic organisms: _____________ and _____________. So all bacteria are prokaryotic, the Archebacteria and the Eubacteria (“true” bacteria). Protists, fungi, ____________, and ___________ are all eukaryotic organisms.

V. Match each kingdom with its characteristics:

1. Animalia (the animals) a. multicellular; ingest food

2. Plantae (the plants) b. include plant-like algae, animal-like

protozoa, and fungal-like slime molds and

water molds

3. Protista c. multicellular; photosynthetic

4. Fungi d. include the “true bacteria;” ubiquitous

5. Bacteria (Eubacteria) e. include “extremophiles” that live at high

temperatures; may be more similar to eukaryotes than they are to eubacteria

6. Archaea (Archebacteria) f. include molds, mushrooms, and yeast;

ecologically important as decomposers

VI. Organisms are named using _____________ nomenclature, which assigns every organism a two part name. The first part is the __________ and the second the species designation (“specific epithet”). If the scientific name is typed, it is in __________ typeface, and if it is handwritten, it is _____________. Scientific names are based on (Greek, English, German, Latin). (Circle answer, please.)

VII. Put these “steps” in the scientific method in the proper order by placing the number in the blank in front of the term:

_______ form a hypothesis

_______ draw a conclusion based on actual results

_______ make an observation about something in the natural world

_______ perform the experiment; collect data

_______ make a prediction about the expected outcome

VIII. Define the following terms as they are used in investigating the natural world:

1. hypothesis:

2. theory:

3. principle (or law):


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