Identify and discuss in detail a time on placement when you assisted the workplace supervisor or followed their guidance in providing an experience for the children. This could be an experience that was planned by the workplace supervisor or a spontaneous experience offered to the children. It could be an indoor or outdoor experience or a learning opportunity that occurred during a routine or transition i.e. arrival/departure, mealti


  1. Identify and discuss in detail a time on placement when you assisted the workplace supervisor or followed their guidance in providing an experience for the children. This could be an experience that was planned by the workplace supervisor or a spontaneous experience offered to the children.  It could be an indoor or outdoor experience or a learning opportunity that occurred during a routine or transition i.e. arrival/departure, mealtimes, group times, bathroom routine, rest routine.
  • What was the experience?
  • What type of play did the experience promote i.e. imaginative, active, dramatic, creative, etc.
  • What resources or materials were used?
  • What stage of children’s play was supported i.e. parallel, solitary, associative, cooperative, etc.
  • How did you maintain the children’s safety during the experience?
  • What was your role in the experience?
  • What did you learn about the child/children from this experience
  • What would you do differently next time
  1. Identify and discuss how you ensured your play experience was age-appropriate, challenging, and stimulating. If it wasn’t, what would you change to ensure it met these requirements?


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