Articles of Confederation. Write 3 Paragraphs on how the Articles of Confederation interests you. Consider : The Articles of Confederation (1777) Congress (Federal government) limited by common fear of tyrannical central power→States retain sovereignty Only state governments had power to tax → federal government printed more money leading to inflation Economic problems : No power to levy tariffs → American merchants hurt by foreign competition Spain cut off Mississippi R. & France demanded repayment of loans No power to draft troops → weak army dependent on militias

Articles of Confederation.

Write 3 Paragraphs on how the Articles of Confederation interests you.

Consider :

  • The Articles of Confederation (1777)
  • Congress (Federal government) limited by common fear of tyrannical central power→States retain sovereignty
  • Only state governments had power to tax → federal government printed more money leading to inflation
  • Economic problems : No power to levy tariffs → American merchants hurt by foreign competition
  • Spain cut off Mississippi R. & France demanded repayment of loans
    No power to draft troops → weak army dependent on militias


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