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Organizational Culture and Leadership Describe the organizational culture of the organization of your choice.What is the organization’s mission and vision? How have you seen the organization’s mission and vision reflected in daily activities such as communication, management approaches, priorities, and so on? What does the organization value? Describe the impact of culture and leadership on the employees and day-to-day business, providing examples. How did organizational culture p

Organizational Culture and Leadership

Describe the organizational culture of the organization of your choice.What is the organization’s mission and vision?

How have you seen the organization’s mission and vision reflected in daily activities such as communication, management approaches, priorities, and so on? What does the organization value?

Describe the impact of culture and leadership on the employees and day-to-day business, providing examples.

How did organizational culture play a role in the examples you provided? In the examples you provided, was the communication or behavior aligned with the culture the organization promotes? Why or why not?

Discuss your leadership style and personality traits; focus specifically on how your leadership fits into an organizational culture.

What traits make you a strong leader, and how does this connect to the organizational culture you described?

  • Guidelines for Submission Your submission should be a 1- to 2-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins.
  • Sources should be cited according to APA style. Module Four Journal Rubric


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