Principles of Social Research. A local hospital has developed a new intervention for patients with co-morbid hypertension, and adult-onset diabetes. You have been asked to develop a new questionnaire that can be used to assess whether the treatment improves patients’ quality of life. a)Explain how qualitative methods could contribute to the development of the questionn

Principles of Social Research.

A local hospital has developed a new intervention for patients with co-morbid
hypertension, and adult-onset diabetes. You have been asked to develop a new
questionnaire that can be used to assess whether the treatment improves patients’ quality of life.

a)Explain how qualitative methods could contribute to the development of the
questionnaire. Describe the specific methods you could use and outline how
they will aid the development of the questionnaire.

b) Explain how you would ensure that the questions in the questionnaire are good.

c) Explain why it is important to ensure that the questionnaire is reliable and valid
and how you would go about doing this.

Word limit – Up to 1000 words per whole question (equivalent to approximately
2 pages of single-spaced, typed text, with size 11 Arial font).


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