You are a researcher employed at a private research firm. You have been tasked with organising a number of focus groups with homeless intravenous drug users, (IDUs), to explore their experiences with, and attitudes to, a recently implemented needle and syringe exchange programme in their city, to reduce the incidence of HIV among IDUs. A non-governmental organisation (NGO), which provides services to homeless IDUs in the city, will assist with the recruitment of prospective participants. a) Briefly discuss FIVE key issu

Needle and syringe exchange programme.

Word limit – Up to 1000 words per whole question (equivalent to approximately
2 pages of single-spaced, typed text, with size 11 Arial font).

You are a researcher employed at a private research firm. You have been tasked
with organising a number of focus groups with homeless intravenous drug users,
(IDUs), to explore their experiences with, and attitudes to, a recently implemented
needle and syringe exchange programme in their city, to reduce the incidence of HIV among IDUs. A non-governmental organisation (NGO), which provides services to homeless IDUs in the city, will assist with the recruitment of prospective participants.

a) Briefly discuss FIVE key issues you would consider in the planning for the focus
group study. Include in your answer some detail on the materials you would
develop and prepare for use in the focus group, and other resources and
requirements for a successful focus group. (50%)

b) You want to convince the international development agency which funded the
research, and other partners, that your research is trustworthy. Describe how
you will ensure rigour in the conduct and write up of the study. (30%)

c) Bearing in mind that your findings will inform HIV policy initiatives, briefly
describe how you would analyse the data from the focus group interviews.
Include in your answer the reasons for your choice of analytic approach, and an
outline of the stages of that analytic approach.


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