Watch: Delinquency Prevention This week, I want to turn our attention to

Watch: Delinquency Prevention

This week, I want to turn our attention to Delinquency Prevention. Delinquency prevention refers to intervening in young people’s lives before they engage in delinquency. Delinquency control or delinquency repression is where police arrest or a Juvenile Court sanction is given. Non Justice Delinquency Prevention or alternative Delinquency Prevention such as YMCA Boys and Girls Clubs of America. Early prevention of delinquency, early childhood delinquency prevention. They aim at positively influencing the early risk factors of delinquency and criminal offending that continue into adulthood. Some of these early risk factors, you have poverty, hyperactivity or impulsiveness, inadequate parental supervision, and harsh or inconsistent discipline. Other early preventions, home-based programs, which involves the provision of support for families, home visitation, such nurse family partnership started in our Marnie your IT improve the outcomes of pregnancy, quality of care that parents provide to their children and women’s own personal life course development is a good example. Improving parenting skills. A meta-analysis showed significant effects across a number of important facets, including educational success, delinquency, cognitive development, involvement in the criminal justice system, and family wellbeing just by improving parenting skills. Another study showed that early family parent training is an effective intervention for reducing anti-social behavior and delinquency. The most widely cited parenting program is the Oregon Social Learning Center. Preschool is another place to start with early prevention. Some of the key features of preschool programs are developmentally appropriate learning curricula, a wide array of cognitive based enriching activities and also activities for pairs. Couple of examples here, the Perry Preschool in Michigan and the child-parent Center in Chicago. So let’s move up from early to now to prevention of delinquency and a teenage years. There are a wide range of non Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention programs that attempt to address risk factors. Parental conflict and separation, poor housing, dropping out, anti-social peers, these are your risk factors. Program. So we’ll target mentoring, school-based programs and job training. Mentoring, non-professional volunteer spend time with that risk. Keith. Good example, federal mentoring program that you and the general Mentoring Program, the effectiveness of mentoring. A study found 10% reduction in delinquency and the program is more effective when the duration of contact between the mentor and mentee is longer. Another study found that two elements most heavily influenced by mentoring, where reduction of delinquency and reduction of aggressiveness. School programs. Research shows that the most successful programs target an array of risk factors. They need to look at family and school environment. Target youth with the highest risk for future delinquency. They need to be intensive. They need to engage parents and helping that student to learn. And they need to reduce negative peer influences through information about gun carrying, drug abuse, gang involvement. Job training such as Job Corps and Youth Build USA, both examples. Job Corps is a federal program established in 64 for disadvantage and unemployed youth. It was to improve the employability of the participants by offering vocational skills, training, basic education, and health care. He’s field was another once in 1978 was when it started by a group of young people in New York and it focused on building and renovating affordable housing and provides educational opportunities. So overall, with Delinquency Prevention, it aims to reduce the risk factors for delinquency before anti-social behavior or delinquency becomes a problem. Several delinquency prevention programs for children and teens have been proven quite effective. But there are issues and Delinquency Prevention steps in juvenile justice processing conflicting values in contemporary juvenile justice. A comprehensive juvenile justice strategy and pressing issues in the feature of juvenile justice. So take all this in consideration when you’re doing the readings for this week.

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