Watch: Police Work with Juveniles This week we’ve talked about Delinquency Prevention

Watch: Police Work with Juveniles

This week we’ve talked about Delinquency Prevention and now want to turn your attention to police work with juveniles for this week. So the primary responsibility of the places, the protection of the public. They are to partner with the community to address crime problems. The juvenile officers, they operate a specialist or members of a special unit. So their role is to intervene when actions of a citizen produces public danger or disorder. Some qualifications of a juvenile officer or some general patrol experience, a desire to work with juveniles, a thorough knowledge of the law, and they have to undergo special training. Sometimes conflicts can arise when police are dealing with juveniles. And three main ones are the primary duty of the law enforcement officer versus a desire to rehabilitate youth. The best interests of the child versus the discretion and attitude shore place. Some attitudes toward place, or in reference to race, please contact and victims. So under race, we see that African-American teens rated the police less favorably than all other racial groups. And the contact, juveniles with prior police contact hold less favorable attitudes toward the police. And then victims. Juvenile crime victims are much less likely than adult victims to contact the police. Juno police officers and police officers in general have a lot of what they called discretion. So looking at discretionary justice, juveniles enjoy nearly identical procedural protections of the dose. But yet police have broader discretion when dealing with juveniles. Some of the factors that affect place discretion, one would be a formal action. So if they formally going to bring them into the system, here are some factors that make them choose whether to go ahead and send them in for a formal action. That’s fair and just manner of the situation, the seriousness of the crime, the actual situation in which it occurred, the legal record of the juvenile. And if the crime is serious and has been reported by a victim who is respected member of the community. And if the offenders well known. Some other factors or environmental factors such as the norms of the community, the community alternatives to police intervention. It could be police policy such as directives, voter satisfaction or pressure from supervisors. And then they also have what they call procedural justice, which is an evaluation of the fairness of the manner in which an offender or another group’s problems or disputes is handled by the police. And the next part of discretion would be situational factors. These are ones that have a big impact, own place discretion. This will be the attitudes of the complainant and the offender, the type of seriousness of the offense, the race, sex, and age of the offender, the offenders prior contacts on the place, the perceived willingness of the parents to assist in solving the problem, the setting or location in which the incident occurs, whether the offender denies the actions or insist on a court hearing, and the likelihood that a child can be CRB and AUC in the community. Discretion comes bias. Three main points I’m going to cover with US. Racial bias, gender bias, and organizational bias. Center racial bias. You can see racial bias shows to be present in the system, especially for African American youth or other minorities. Gender bias, based on the chivalry hypothesis, suggest gender bias in favor of young girls is present. And others believe that the police are more likely to arrest female offenders because their actions violate offs are stereotypes of the female. And then organizational buys. You can see that highly bureaucratized departments are most likely to be insulated from the community they serve. Say they don’t really know their community. Stereotypes of lower-class neighborhoods are often often result in biased police discretion and actions when crimes occur in these areas. And the police are more likely to hassle or arrest African American males or other minorities and poor neighborhoods. So when the police are working with juveniles, they tried to engage in some and various forms of prevention for the main ways and Prevention or aggressive law enforcement placing in schools, community protect policing and problem-oriented policing. Under aggressive law enforcement, they saturate their patrols, they target individuals are gang members, or they arrest certain members that they know. They’re always constantly in trouble place in schools such as school resource officers. You have community policing which encourage officers to get out of the cars and the footer bicycle patrols to get to know the juveniles than their parents. And then they have problem-oriented policing, which is more of a department driven, is how the department looks at crime. And that easily involve some type of systematic analysis and response to problems underlying the criminal behavior. So this will now turn us to our biblical perspective for this week. Titus 3, 1, three 2, which means remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good to slander, no one to be peaceful and consider it, and always to be gentle toward a everyone. So Tatas was too costly. Remind the Christians under his care, shape proper respect and humility towards all people, particularly those in a position of authority. So this is, this will work with us as Christians and as juvenile scholar practitioners, that we have to be mindful to teach the juveniles, whether they agree with the police officer or not, they have to show proper respect. But also we must allow them to question authority in the right way to make positive changes. So I want to leave you with this to think about this as you’re doing your readings and assignments for this week.

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