H8CNGMT: You should also refer to the implementation challenges that the initiative is likely to face and suggest how these challenges might be overcome: Change Management Course Work, NCI, Ireland

You will be required to deliver a 20-minute presentation on your change initiative, detailing the key features of the problem and the nature of the proposed solution. You should also refer to the implementation challenges that the initiative is likely to face and suggest how these challenges might be overcome. Adapting a home for people … Read more

FIN41910: You are required to construct and evaluate a “decarbonized” equity portfolio using Excel and data: Green Data Science Assignment, UCD, Ireland

You are required to construct and evaluate a “decarbonized” equity portfolio using Excel and data provided for S&P 500 index. You are provided with the data on the company, sector, monthly returns, market capitalization, and various carbon-related and ESG data. Select 100 random stocks from the index. Try to ensure that all sectors are represented. … Read more


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