The student is required to complete a Case Study pertaining to a 91-year-old woman who was admitted to the hospital: General Nursing Case Study, SETU, Ireland

The student is required to complete a Case Study pertaining to a 91-year-old woman who was admitted to the hospital with a urinary tract infection (UTI), with whom they have been involved in the planning and provision of nursing care for this 91-year-old woman. Word Limit 3000 words, excluding references. In this Case Study the … Read more

5N2706 : You are a Healthcare Assistant working in a residential nursing home and Your Supervisor has asked you to assist with recreational activities: Care of the older person Assignment, OC, Ireland

Guidelines: You are a Healthcare Assistant working in a residential nursing home. Your Supervisor has asked you to assist with recreational activities. She has asked you to develop an activity for one of your residents. Assessment Criteria: Thorough organization and preparation of the task, including identification of clients’ needs Careful execution of the task Effective … Read more

Lifelong learning and education are important for personal and professional development and to have a commitment in providing health care services: Professional Master of Education Assignment, NUI, Ireland

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, the student will be able to: Describe teaching and learning theories and models Discuss learning styles and behavior models with reference to their theory and application Critically discuss teaching and education support roles in clinical practice Critically discuss the design, implementation, and evaluation of education strategies. Demonstrate … Read more

H9BRM: Discuss why research methodology is so important and One or two paragraphs should emphasize the importance of impartiality: Business Research Methods Research Paper, NCI, Ireland

Introduction Discuss why research methodology is so important. One or two paragraphs should emphasize the importance of impartiality and correctness in research as well as why we must endeavor to guarantee that our study is both valid and reliable. 5.2 Philosophies Explain different ontologies and philosophies and why we chose interpretive ontology. Research philosophies describe … Read more

This section provides the reader with knowledge about the technologies used in this project: Project Management Report, UCC, Ireland

The aim of this project, as outlined in the module description, was to “give students a deeper understanding of the industry in which they are placed”, enable them to “take responsibility for a full project life cycle”, “enable learners to consolidate and further their chosen area of study, and integrate knowledge and skills acquired from … Read more

In recent years there has been an increase in the interest in play and the influence it has on learning: Masters in Primary Education Dissertation, HC, Ireland

In recent years, there has been an increase in the interest in play and the influence it has on learning (Holmes, Gardner, Kohm, Bant, Ciminello, Moedt, & Romeo, 2017). Research has been carried out on the relationship between play and learning. Theorists such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Froebel, and Montessori have developed theories emphasizing the importance … Read more

Since 1990 a major change in policy has occurred in Ireland bringing forth the inclusion of children: Special Needs Assistant Assignment, OC, Ireland

In this project, the learners are expected to examine the Education of Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004. Candidates will be expected to detail the assessment procedures under the current act when considering a child with special needs. Candidates are also required to evaluate the assessment process and state the benefits of this procedure … Read more

You have been tasked with designing a product of your choice and You want to communicate the initial idea to your management: Mechanical & Design Engineering Report, TUD, Ireland

Scenario: You have been tasked with designing a product of your choice. You want to communicate the initial idea to your management so that they can decide whether to progress the idea further or scrap the idea. Your job is to present the idea in a professional and clear manner in report form. To do … Read more

SS40053W: Research and deliver a 10-minute oral presentation on a topic of your choice, relating to US International Politics: US Politics in an International Context Assignment, UOEL, UK

Learning Outcomes Demonstrate a good understanding of the key political issues, institutions, and actors involved in US International Politics Understand an appropriate level of theoretical and conceptual approaches to the analysis of US International Politics within a domestic, regional, and international context Develop critical thinking and analysis skills when engaging with key texts relating to … Read more


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