1: Why is a “ready” investigative kit so important and valuable to accident preparedness? 2:There are several interviewing tips; which, in your opinion, is the most important? 3: One step in the accident investigation process is preserving the scene of the accident. How do you preserve an accident scene? 4: Consider the following accident scenario: Three workers were assigned to replace a water valve located in an underground concrete vault. After removing the manhole cover, worker #1 climbed down the ladder into the vault. Worker #1 collapsed and became unconscious within seconds of reaching the bottom. Worker #2 went down the ladder to rescue worker #1 but was quickly overcome by the lack of oxygen. Both workers died at the bottom of the vault. Worker #3 stayed outside the vault and called for emergency response after worker #2 collapsed. Develop a list of five questions you would ask a witness to the accident. Explain why you chose each question.

1: Why is a “ready” investigative kit so important and valuable to accident preparedness? 2:There are several interviewing tips; which, in your opinion, is the most important? 3: One step in the accident investigation process is preserving the scene of the accident. How do you preserve an accident scene? 4: Consider the following accident scenario: … Read more

Ethic. You are a prosecutor assigned to a District Attorney’s office in a major urban area. You have a very full case load. You specialize in drug and violent crime investigations. Consider each of the following scenarios. Offer an opinion as to whether the actions are legal, and support your answer. * Leaking the identity of a seventeen-year-old gang member who you are fairly certain committed a drive-by shooting to the media knowing full well he was in danger from rival gang members, and then offering protective custody only if he would plead guilty. * Authorizing the arrest

Ethic. You are a prosecutor assigned to a District Attorney’s office in a major urban area. You have a very full case load. You specialize in drug and violent crime investigations. Consider each of the following scenarios. Offer an opinion as to whether the actions are legal, and support your answer. * Leaking the identity … Read more

Platforms Platform 4: providing and evaluating care: provide evidence based, compassionate and safe nursing interventions. Support people of all ages in a range of care settings, working in partnership with people, families and carers to evaluate whether care is effective. Platform 3: assessing and planning care: prioritise the needs of people when assessing and reviewing their mental, physical, cognitive, behavioural, social and spiritual needs. Produce a 500 word reflective piece for 2 platforms described above.

Platforms Platform 4: providing and evaluating care: provide evidence based, compassionate and safe nursing interventions. Support people of all ages in a range of care settings, working in partnership with people, families and carers to evaluate whether care is effective. Platform 3: assessing and planning care: prioritise the needs of people when assessing and reviewing their mental, … Read more

SBIRT approach to drug and alcohol use. This is an exercise combining screening for alcohol and harmful drug use, with a ‘brief intervention’ using Motivational Interviewing and referrals for follow up with behavioral health specialist. Create a narrated presentation regarding a patient case scenario, using the Screening with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) approach. 1. SBIRT overview: Describe the SBIRT process and use in healthcare. 2. Case Presentation (a

SBIRT approach to drug and alcohol use. This is an exercise combining screening for alcohol and harmful drug use, with a ‘brief intervention’ using Motivational Interviewing and referrals for follow up with behavioral health specialist. Create a narrated presentation regarding a patient case scenario, using the Screening with Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) … Read more

Impeding Automated Malware Analysis and understanding the behavior of various malicious programs. Create a research paper discussing Impeding Automated Malware Analysis and understanding the behavior of various malicious programs. Abstract Introduction Background Literature Review The Analysis Summary of the findings Limitations and future works Conclusion References

Impeding Automated Malware Analysis and understanding the behavior of various malicious programs. Create a research paper discussing Impeding Automated Malware Analysis and understanding the behavior of various malicious programs. Abstract Introduction Background Literature Review The Analysis Summary of the findings Limitations and future works Conclusion References

Case Scenario: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic required Americans to shelter in place thus causing the U.S. economy to freeze-up, resulting in millions of lost jobs. The U.S. Congress passed legislation to try and limit the economic damage. Included in the legislation was a stimulus package that would give $1,200 to single tax filers making $75,000 or less and $2,400 to married couples making $150,000 or less. The purpose of

Case Scenario:The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic required Americans to shelter in place thus causing the U.S. economy to freeze-up, resulting in millions of lost jobs. The U.S. Congress passed legislation to try and limit the economic damage. Included in the legislation was a stimulus package that would give $1,200 to single tax filers making … Read more

Oil and gas organizations in the UAE. Determine first-line managers’ role and innovative employee behavior in oil and gas organizations in the UAE. Establish the relationship between the roles of first-line managers and employee innovation in UAE oil and gas enterprises.

Oil and gas organizations in the UAE. Determine first-line managers’ role and innovative employee behavior in oil and gas organizations in the UAE. Establish the relationship between the roles of first-line managers and employee innovation in UAE oil and gas enterprises.

Apple and the FBI Apple and the FBI have two separate incidences where the FBI has asked Apple to break into an iPhone in a terrorist investigation where that phone may contain information that could prevent another terrorist attack. You are Tim Cook and you have to decide how to respond to the FBI’s latest request. Falling back on his business studies, Mr. Cook applies utilitarianism to analyze what his decision should be. Who are the stakeholders in this and how might they be affect by Apple’s decision? What decision benefits the greatest number of these stakeholders? Do you agree with the decision that utilitarianism leads you to? Why or why not? Does apply the test in Rights and Duties or Fairness and Justice lead you to a different answer?

Apple and the FBI Apple and the FBI have two separate incidences where the FBI has asked Apple to break into an iPhone in a terrorist investigation where that phone may contain information that could prevent another terrorist attack. You are Tim Cook and you have to decide how to respond to the FBI’s latest … Read more

Statistics Analysis. Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.” Annual Sales is the result of multiplying a restaurant’s “SqFt.” by “Sales/SqFt.” Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables. Create a box-plot for the “Annual Sales” variable. Does it look symmetric? Would you prefer the IQR instead of the standard deviation to describe this variable’s di

Statistics Analysis. Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.” Annual Sales is the result of multiplying a restaurant’s “SqFt.” by “Sales/SqFt.” Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables. Create a box-plot for the “Annual Sales” variable. Does it look symmetric? … Read more


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