For each case review the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct and explain which specific ethical standards may be violated in the cases.

For this week, you will review two case studies. Each study has some particular issues regarding ethics in psychology. For each case review the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct and explain which specific ethical standards may be violated in the cases. American Psychological Association (APA). You can access the link here: … Read more

By now you should have completed your interview with someone from your field of interest

Interview By now you should have completed your interview with someone from your field of interest. The interview format should be based on the following types of questions: Demographic questions: This is common in interviews and questionnaires. Typically, demographic questions include questions regarding age, gender, race or ethnicity, marital status, education level, career title (job), … Read more

Prepare a test containing at least twelve questions with at least two questions from each of the following categories:

You have been asked to develop a set of questions based on a class you took in the last term. Prepare a test containing at least twelve questions with at least two questions from each of the following categories: Knowledge—involves recalling of facts. Comprehension—helps understand the meaning or purpose. Application—involves using information and ideas in … Read more

Describe the activity as best you can, including a description of the science content and specific tasks.

Banchi, H., & Bell, R. (2008). The many levels of inquiry. Science and Children, 46(2), 26-29. Bybee, R. (2015). The BSCS 5E instructional model: Creating teachable moments. NSTA Press: Arlington, VA. Once you have completed both readings, think about a science class you have previously taken. It can be from K-12 or from your undergraduate courses. Think of … Read more

Depict the Role of Key Organizations in Budgetary Processes – Due Jun

Depict the Role of Key Organizations in Budgetary Processes – Due Jun 5, 2022 For this assignment, you will develop a diagram/infographic that analyzes the powers of influential federal offices, such as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the impact of these agencies on budgeting for your chose … Read more

Intimate Partner Violence Intimate partner violence is any abuse or aggression experienced

Intimate Partner Violence Intimate partner violence is any abuse or aggression experienced in a romantic relationship consisting of about four behaviors inclusive of physical violence, sexual violence, stalking and psychological aggression (Fast Facts: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence, 2021). Psychological and emotional abuse include traits such as verbal threats, criticism, abusive language, humiliation, intimidation, obsessive jealously, … Read more

This is the business case for the final project of the course

This is the business case for the final project of the course in Crisis management. As said during the first session of this course, this final project will be up to 60-70% of the final grade of this course, apart from the proactive participation and engagement in class. Students will read the case below and … Read more

Create a Program Needs Analysis for your specific media project. Define the

Create a Program Needs Analysis for your specific media project. Define the problem that the project should solve. Provide background information related to the client and problem. Analyze the audience that the project will address. Establish the objectives that, once accomplished, will meet the client’s need. Explain how the project will be distributed and used … Read more


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