Quality of Life |

Discuss one or more of the emerging technologies, you believe have the potential for ethical abuse or conflicts that would affect ones quality of life. Provide examples – you might consider the digital divide, video games, screen time for children, or whatever you prefer. You can place an order similar to this with us. You … Read more

Are You Ready for Success? |

Are You Ready for Success? Getting Started You completed three self-assessments for the 1.3 assignment that helped you better understand how positively you see yourself, your level of self-esteem, and your level of emotional intelligence. Hopefully, you have a better understanding of how you are wired. Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be … Read more

week8 |

Early in this course, you selected a particular group of offenders who may require specialized assessment, treatment, or testing. Now, you will finalize your proposal for an appropriate forensic treatment program for this group. Begin your proposal with an overview of the selected group. This overview should include the following: Characteristics associated with the selected … Read more

History- Century 19th |

*Need it as soon as possible* LESS THAN FOUR HOURS As the societies across the world were becoming global  with reference to contact with other societies, cultures and markets,  how was the West able to rise to dominance during the 19th century?  What was the impact of this Western dominance on non-western societies as a result?  … Read more

Health Data |

use the following link to download the Microsoft (MS) Excel file of World Health Statistics Health Status Mortality: https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/themes/topics/topic-details/GHO/world-health-statistics The data presented shows the mortality rates by gender and country. Select two countries to compare with the United States and create the following in MS Excel: A bar graph comparison of the United States and … Read more

Searching For and Appraising Evidence Assignment |

 See link to All About Assignment #2d which gives detailed instructions, examples, and FAQ’s about the assignment:    For this assignment each student will identify two sources of evidence that could be used to help answer the PICOT question. The sources should be in the form of single, primary quantitative,  or qualitative research studies, systematic … Read more

Chapter 11 lists five tools that can be used by security administrators, network administrators, and attackers alike. In a 3-4 page paper not including a title and reference page do the following; ● – Write My Paper Today

Chapter 11 lists five tools that can be used by security administrators, network administrators, and attackers alike. In a 3-4 page paper not including a title and reference page do the following; ●      Search the Web for three to five other tools that fit this description. ●      Using a Web browser and the names of the tools … Read more

Unit 6 – Write My Paper Today

In the helping profession, an intervention can be described as an action taken, a service provided, or a treatment technique used in an attempt to alleviate a problem. Clients/families come to human service professionals seeking help for all different types of reasons. The human service professional gathers information and uses that information to identify interventions … Read more

Assignment 6 – Write My Paper Today

You have explored different resilience-oriented assessments and interventions that can be used once the assessments have been completed. In this Assignment, you will have the opportunity to develop a fictional case study and then use a specific resilience-oriented assessment, a relational genogram, to map the relationships of the fictional family and then identify evidence-based interventions … Read more

corporate culture and change |

   Using this week’s readings, learn about corporate culture and change.  Share one aspect that is important to you and explain it based on research. (Research Support Required)  Assess what skills you possess that would support you as a change agent. (Research Required).  What would you change in your organization (past or present)? Next, share why … Read more


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