22 |

22 A 22-year-old female complains of 3 days of watery diarrhea with 7 to 8 stools per day. She is drinking approximately 3 sodas a day because she is trying not to get dehydrated. She has had very little other intake because eating makes me have to go to the bathroom. She denies other symptoms … Read more

assesment module 1 intro |

In the case study of CARL COPPOLINO’S Florida murder trial , what legal issue was raised on appeal by the defense in Carl Coppolino’s Florida murder trial?  What court ruling is most relevant to the decision to reject the appeal?  Explain your answer. Be sure to use proper paragraphing, grammar, citations and reference list.*** ASSIGNMENT MUST BE … Read more

Marketing Research Project |

 This project is designed to expand your knowledge of the different CRM products and service providers available on the market today. You will use the CRM Exploration Project Template attached. The company you will research about is Oracle https://www.oracle.com and the category of the company research is The Best Marketing Automation Software and Solutions.  The … Read more

Psychiatry |

Write a psychiatric evaluation on a client with  schizotypal disorder Demographic–including client occupationSubjective DataObjective Data****Rationale for the diagnosis with DSM-5 criteria and the client presented symptoms.****Chose 2 differential diagnoses with the Rationale for the diagnosis with DSM-5 criteria and the client presented symptoms.***Plan/Treatment-Rationale***Neurobiology of the chosen medications  APA references no older than 7 years. You … Read more

Disabilities in the WorkplaceAccommodations |

CASE #1 https://www.eeoc.gov/newsroom/banner-health-settles-eeoc-disability-discrimination-lawsuit-255000 Use the EEOC Newsroom website () to choose the other disability discrimination case on which you will focus. FOR BOTH CASES: 1.Provide a brief summary of each case (12 paragraphs), including the title and key facts, and why the company was sued by the EEOC.Note: Be sure to include the URL for … Read more

6-1 Discussion: Financial Analysis Tools |

Consider the different financial analysis tools that nonprofits can use to evaluate their financial health. For this discussion, refer to the required reading in this module in Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations. Illustration 13-7, Performance Indicators, in the textbook will be particularly useful. This discussion will help you prepare for your final project … Read more

Women study history discussion |

Please answer the following discussion question and cite in apa format. No plagerism. Due tomorrow: FIRST, define “intersectionality” (or “intersectional feminism”) in your own words.  THEN, discuss how intersectional identity can affect women’s experiences and relationship to society.  Refer to at least three learning resources assigned for this week in your response (these may include … Read more


 n the early childhood field, a great body of literature is devoted to these topics, as they relate to supporting the development and learning of young children and their families. Early childhood leaders must also recognize that these topics are essential, timely, and applicable to the well-being of workplace personnel and the overall health of … Read more

Preliminary Project Schedule |

Preliminary project schedule: The objective of this section is to show a preliminary project schedule with the project tasks/subtasks. Do not just only submit (the MS Project file should be a separate attachment) your MS Project schedule/gantt chart…need to also have some words/discussion associated with it in the paper.        Use Microsoft Word for your paper. … Read more

selling |

Using Lawrence Glickman’s text as your framework, I’d like you to spend some time thinking about the historical “roots” of consumption in the United States and answer the following questions: What did you learn about USA history and the various ways consumerism/consumption has shaped US society? What specific historical events in his chapter (e.g., the … Read more


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