ecological footprint |

Biol108 Ecological Footprint Assignment.  The assignment is due on Sunday, June 14th, by 11:59 pm. 1) Please go to this link: 2) Calculate your ecological footprint.  Please report the number of hectares and number of planet earths needed to support your lifestyle.  Which factors contributed most to your footprint? 3) In a few sentences please … Read more

History – Write My Paper Today   The History of Jim Crow How did the term Jim Crow come about?          Does the term have a single meaning? If so, what is that meaning? If not, what are the multiple meanings? Give some examples. How and when was Jim Crow dismantled? What are some of the legacies of Jim Crow today? … Read more

Discussion 6 150 – 200 words – Write My Paper Today

Facebook, Inc. Facebook has been in the news with criticism of its privacy policies, sharing customer information with Fusion GPS, and criticism regarding the attempts to influence the 2016 election. In March 2014, Facebook released a study entitled “Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks.” It was published in the Proceedings of the National … Read more

The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity and Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work – Write My Paper Today

In the space below write a 2- 3 pages analysis that includes the following: • Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing • Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics  • Cite resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.  • Explain how Grammarly, Safe Assign, … Read more

Unit 6 Discussion – Resource Costs and Deliverables |

The operations manager has a planning team that focuses on managing the resources (labor, machines, etc.) and must find creative ways to balance the priorities and capacity or what should be done first and who should do it of the operation. Planners must work closely with manufacturing, customer service, shipping, and engineering to ensure the … Read more

Unit 6 Discussion – Financial Planning and Statements |

Discussion Prompt(s) Why is developing a financial plan so important for an entrepreneur starting a business Discuss in detail some of the major items detailed on the income statement, balance sheet, and the cash flow statement and why these items are important to the business owner. You can place an order similar to this with … Read more

Assessment1 |

As a teacher, you will need to plan ways to motivate and support students with disabilities during instruction. A matrix that identifies common supports for students with specific disabilities is a great tool to use when planning accommodations, supports, and strategies to improve engagement in classroom activities. Use the Classroom Management Strategies Template to complete … Read more

Strengths and Limitations of Secondary Data Sources |

In this information age, where data are readily accessible and there is both a great demand for accelerated research projects and strict limitations on research funding, using existing data makes sense. Data used in this way are called secondary data; they come in many forms and contain information on just about anythingdepending on who collected the … Read more

Concept Notebook for the concept of Mobility |

Please submit your post work to Canvas within 48 hours of the completion of your VCBC Experience.  Please refer to the Experiential Learning Orientation for further questions and a reminder on how to ensure your assignment is properly saved. Please complete the Concept Notebook for the concept of Mobility linked to your clients for the … Read more


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