Feets is a chain of retail athletic wear stores. The company headquarters is located in Sacramento, California, near the western warehouse. There are seven geographically dispersed warehouses to serve the needs of Feets’ 400 stores. Tedra Grav, supply chain vice president, had this to say about the Fashion Squared store, a new location in Sacramento.

Using the library and other course resources, consider what are the parameters and considerations that must be made when developing the employee schedules for the retail stores at Feets. Are there software packages to assist in this activity? Hereisthe Feets scenario: Scenario A Feets Introduction Feets is a chain of retail athletic wear stores. The … Read more

Electronic innovation and governance – Write My Paper Today

Find a peer-reviewed scholarly journal article discussing electronic innovation and governance. Complete a review of the article by writing a 2-3 page overview of the article. This will be a detailed summary of the journal article, including concepts discussed and findings. Additionally, find one other source (it does not have to be a peer-reviewed journal … Read more

Sezary syndrome and mutation in DNA ( Genomics) – Write My Paper Today

Please explain what Sezary syndrome and  mutation in DNA ( Genomics) FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!! –Abstract of the proposal  – Context and objectives of the proposal  – Introduction  – Research objectives  Your research objectives are the key things you intend for your research to accomplish. They may be the specific questions that your research will answer, and/or … Read more

Applied Managerial Marketing IP4 – Write My Paper Today

Now that the product and promotional decisions have been made for the new product, Michelle is concerned about the pricing of the new product and the distribution channels that will be used to make the product available to customers. She has asked you to write a 2-3 page memo outlining two different pricing strategies that … Read more

Week 6 Discussion Response – Write My Paper Today

So far, all of the heroes we have read about have been extremely interesting, for they all have the same motives to be heroes. They all are heroes because they are stronger and more powerful than the other men were, however, they had just as many flaws as any other man. No matter how strong, … Read more


Paper: Intellectual Property Priorities Assignment Instructions Intellectual property (IP) is a significant asset for most companies. Patented products and processes often enable the company’s very existence. IP must be managed and protected in line with the fundamentals and mission of a company’s business and with the requirements of IP law.  Review Business Ethics Flashpoint 8.1: … Read more

Week 2 – Assignment 1: Organize Data – Write My Paper Today

Explain what it means to say, “variables must vary.” List and define the four levels of measurement (using examples) discussed in this week’s introduction and resources. In your opinion, which one or more is the most appropriate for statistical analysis. Explain. Compare and contrast the characteristics of continuous and discrete variables. What is a common … Read more

response to small group discussion.. – Write My Paper Today

  This is a group activity.  Find at least one interesting example of a policy in your (local) area that is intergovernmental in nature (i.e., it reflects local, state, or federal government relations around an issue). Share your ideas and receive feedback in a small group. In your post, include the following: – A brief overview … Read more

African Culture and film analysis – Write My Paper Today

        I’m working on a project in African Studies and I need help from a tutor to assist my work. The work should be 4 pages and citing from two films and three readings, double spaced. Please refrain from citing outside the syllabus unless it builds directly on an argument developed through a close analysis of … Read more


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