Unit 6.2 DB: Drugs and Our Youth |

 Discuss the issues that families are coping with today in regard to the opioid crisis and drug-related deaths of our young adults today. Drugs do not discriminate, affecting each and every one of our families in some way. Discuss a topic in this area and how it has affected our families today. You must support … Read more

Unit 6.1 DB: School Violence |

 Addressing today’s problem with school violence is a complicated one. Use this Discussion Board thread to suggest and explain how you would implement change in school systems to make them safer. Was bullying or disrespectful treatment of a child a rooted cause for these horrible actions? What can schools do to better address the treatment … Read more

Discussion – Theory |

Discuss the theoretical framework you think helps explains your topic and problem you will address in your dissertation. Remember, this will also be cited in the literature as well, so make sure to include scholarly resources from a peer reviewed journal.  Topic :  The Smart Phone as a Dangerous Technology   APA format with references needed. … Read more

Final Paper Abby |

At this point in the course, you have completed all the necessary sections of your business plan. Your task in this assignment is to create the final version of your plan. You will include all the previous assignments you have been working on and attach the financials.The key to this assignment is to use the … Read more

Musical Instrument and Video |

You will construct a simple musical instrument (for a child who is 4-6 years old) from a different culture, write a 3 length paragraph  and present the instrument as a video on FLIPGRID. Then in a future discussion, you will comment on several of your peers’ video. The completed instrument, the paragraph and the video. … Read more

Analyzing a Child Poverty Program |

 250 words Readings Social Policy and Social Programs text to complete the following: Read Chapter 9, “An Example of Social Policy and Social Program Analysis: Selected Features of Federal Child Welfare Legislation Since 1970 Concerned With Child Abuse,” pages 167185.  Develop an analysis for the issue of childhood poverty, showing how at least four groups … Read more

Society and Mental Illness |

 250 words Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment text to read the following: Chapter 20, “Mental Health and Mental Illness as Influences on Human Behavior.” This chapter focuses on concept of mental health versus mental illness; proposes positive psychology and resilience as effective interventions with a focus on strengths and resources; and addresses causes … Read more

Musical Instrument and Video – Write My Paper Today

You will construct a simple musical instrument (for a child who is 4-6 years old) from a different culture, write a 3 length paragraph  and present the instrument as a video on FLIPGRID. Then in a future discussion, you will comment on several of your peers’ video. The completed instrument, the paragraph and the video. … Read more

Analyzing a Child Poverty Program – Write My Paper Today

 250 words Readings Social Policy and Social Programs text to complete the following: Read Chapter 9, “An Example of Social Policy and Social Program Analysis: Selected Features of Federal Child Welfare Legislation Since 1970 Concerned With Child Abuse,” pages 167–185.  Develop an analysis for the issue of childhood poverty, showing how at least four groups … Read more


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