BSBFIA302: Process payroll Task If you are experiencing difficulties with recording or processing a transaction, what steps would you take to access help using MYOB help? You receive a payroll inquiry from an employee who thinks they have been underpaid. What procedures might you follow to check out the employee’s claim? What information should be included in an employee’s pay advice? If when processing the payroll you notice an irregularity such as an unusual payment, what should you do?

BSBFIA302: Process payroll Task If you are experiencing difficulties with recording or processing a transaction, what steps would you take to access help using MYOB help? You receive a payroll inquiry from an employee who thinks they have been underpaid. What procedures might you follow to check out the employee’s claim? What information should be … Read more

Case study You are a Support Worker for a Mental Health agency and a woman named Zeinah comes in with two children, a girl, seven (7) years old, and a boy, ten (10) years old. Zeinah’s family emigrated from Syria one (1) year ago after experiencing significant trauma when the village she, and her extended family lived in, was bombed and destroyed. She also experienced religious discrimination daily as she was part of the religious minority in h

Case study You are a Support Worker for a Mental Health agency and a woman named Zeinah comes in with two children, a girl, seven (7) years old, and a boy, ten (10) years old. Zeinah’s family emigrated from Syria one (1) year ago after experiencing significant trauma when the village she, and her extended … Read more

English Literature a) Formal research essay using textual analysis. The final essay must be a sophisticated textual analysis essay using formal academic language and structure (essay intro, body paragraphs, conclusion, list of references). The piece should be well researched firstly literary criticism and then other pertinent research. It should perform an in-depth reading of the primary text/s. It must present a critical, debatable argument with

English Literature a) Formal research essay using textual analysis. The final essay must be a sophisticated textual analysis essay using formal academic language and structure (essay intro, body paragraphs, conclusion, list of references). The piece should be well researched firstly literary criticism and then other pertinent research. It should perform an in-depth reading of the … Read more

SITHKOP005: Coordinate Cooking Operations For this assessment, you will be observed while performing the following task in a simulated environment. You will be observed coordinating cooking operations using 2 different food production processes for 2 different food service styles as selected in the table below. Your trainer will negotiate with you a suitable timeframe to fit within the 12 service instances you must complete as part of this unit of competency, and supported by the service log provided for assessment 3. The support documentation outlined in the services log and the observation criteria provided for each observation provides a guideline for performance and knowledge required to successfully complete each service instance

SITHKOP005: Coordinate Cooking Operations For this assessment, you will be observed while performing the following task in a simulated environment. You will be observed coordinating cooking operations using 2 different food production processes for 2 different food service styles as selected in the table below. Your trainer will negotiate with you a suitable timeframe to … Read more

You will be required to identify a media report which relates to an aspect of child development, illness, or injury that is of public health significance. Based on this information you will develop a question(s) to explore the impact and scope of the issue. The aim of this question will be to explore existing data around the issue and to identify and critique strategies that could be used to promote or address the issue. You must submit this assessment task in order to pass this unit. This research paper is worth 50% of your total mark for the unit. Assessment criteria and marking rubric Assessment Criteria Measures Intended.

NUR355: Children and Young People Learning Outcome  Identifies an issue relevant to child development, injury, or illness. Explains the health and resource implications of the identified issue using data sets and high-level evidence. Identifies and critiques evidence-based strategies to promote or address the chosen issue. Adheres to academic writing principles Task Description You will be … Read more

What is your understanding of the “integrated” marketing communication? Identify three current and future challenges that companies are facing in “integrating” marketing communications with consumers. Provide your recommendations for companies to overcome/take advantage of these challenges in IMC.

Marketing Instruction: In this essay, you are asked to reflect on the following two topics and provide your opinions and analyses on them, using the theories and frameworks you learned in the unit, and conduct additional secondary research to help you build your arguments and reasoning. The two reflection topics are: 1) What is your … Read more

You have been asked to conduct a preliminary study to identify one location on the Eyre Peninsula (South Australia) that may be appropriate for a pumped hydropower facility. The client has provided nothing specific, nor any data. It is expected that you will: Identify at least one potential area for pumped hydropower systems. Provide an indication of work required for installation of any farms/systems. Justify any assumptions you make.

Mechanical engineering You are to write a consulting report of no more than three pages in length for the body (Introduction to Conclusion), plus all calculations in appendices (which can be as many pages as you need. Scenario Local councils and businesses wish to consider the idea of pumped hydropower as an energy storage option for the … Read more

Bachelor of Business Accounting Purpose: This assignment aims to reinforce and extend students’ knowledge and understanding of key topics in this course (HC1010) including Overview of Accounting, Organisational Structure & the Reporting Environment, Corporate Governance, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Financial Performance, Cash Flow Statement, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting for Business Transactions, Cost Concepts & Behaviour, Preparation of Budgets, and Cost-Volume Profit-Analysis through independent research and application of knowledge and skills

Bachelor of Business Accounting Purpose: This assignment aims to reinforce and extend students’ knowledge and understanding of key topics in this course (HC1010) including Overview of Accounting, Organisational Structure & the Reporting Environment, Corporate Governance, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Financial Performance, Cash Flow Statement, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting for Business Transactions, Cost Concepts … Read more

NIT6160: Data Warehousing and Mining The goal of this project is to perform the classification and clustering methods on the Mushroom data set. For detailed information about the mushroom data set, refer to the Machine Learning Repository provided by the University of California, Irvine. Task 1: Data Pre-processing 1. Read the xlsx file with pandas.read_excel 2. For the clustering experiments, the column for class labels needs to be removed. 3. Data cleaning. For example, replacing missing values, attribute range normalization, converting numerical or string to nominal values, etc. Task 2: Data Mining

NIT6160: Data Warehousing and Mining The goal of this project is to perform the classification and clustering methods on the Mushroom data set. For detailed information about the mushroom data set, refer to the Machine Learning Repository provided by the University of California, Irvine. Task 1: Data Pre-processing 1. Read the xlsx file with pandas.read_excel2. … Read more

Select ONE country of the countries listed below and investigate the extent to which educational access and participation are affected by development-related issues these might include: poverty, malnutrition, and waterborne disease; child labor; gender equality, human trafficking; disabilities, and refugees. Investigate the issue using

EDUC3830: Education in a Global Society You will be assessed on your ability to: access relevant information from a variety of academic and non-academic sources; identify and analyze the impacts of selected developmental issues on educational access and participation in a selected country; construct a piece of written work that is analytical in its approach … Read more


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