Project: Semester Project Part II – The Global Impact of Conflict The effect of ethnocentric conflict around the world extends beyond those actually involved in the violence. These conflicts impact the surrounding regions as well as a countless number of innocent women and children. In this assignment you will research ethnocentric conflict and its global impact, particularly on women and children and neighboring countries or regions. You will then create a report with your findings an

Project: Semester Project Part II – The Global Impact of Conflict The effect of ethnocentric conflict around the world extends beyond those actually involved in the violence. These conflicts impact the surrounding regions as well as a countless number of innocent women and children. In this assignment you will research ethnocentric conflict and its global impact, particularly on … Read more

Cybersecurity OVERVIEW Technology brings significant risks and challenges along with its benefits. Wise public administrators need to know about those risks and constantly be vigilant to prevent misuse of information by themselves, their organizations, or external forces. INSTRUCTIONS This paper focuses on the stakeholders in public sector information management—who are they, what are their roles and impacts, and why is each important to me as a public servant or citizen? It consists of 3 parts (below) plus an introduction and references sections. To make it easier for readers to follow your thinking, please discuss the topics in the

Cybersecurity OVERVIEWTechnology brings significant risks and challenges along with its benefits. Wise public administrators need to know about those risks and constantly be vigilant to prevent misuse of information by themselves, their organizations, or external forces. INSTRUCTIONSThis paper focuses on the stakeholders in public sector information management—who are they, what are their roles and impacts, … Read more

Alexander Cooley on the New Great Game in Central Asia The accumulated wealth of policy experience failed to prevent financial crisis and recessions. The effect of these experiences on beliefs is long-lasting. This raises serious questions about the relevance of past policy lessons to the present predicament that confront us. Moreover, an important element (humanity/moral duty to our fellow people) is too often underdeveloped, invisible, not explicit or missing altogether. Nevertheless, evaluation practices still tend to focus on counting inputs and outputs, rather than telling stories. In this light, should we discount these past lessons and why is it crucial to consider the entire policy portfolio of interventions in evaluating a human capital investment strategy rather than focusing on one type of policy in isolation from the others to inform future policy from recent experiences?

Alexander Cooley on the New Great Game in Central Asia The accumulated wealth of policy experience failed to prevent financial crisis and recessions. The effect of these experiences on beliefs is long-lasting. This raises serious questions about the relevance of past policy lessons to the present predicament that confront us. Moreover, an important element (humanity/moral … Read more

Today’s culture is rife with clichés and preconceptions about freedom, beginning with the idea that freedom is nothing more than the ability to “do what you want. This course has modestly attempted to go beyond this simplified view to explore the conditions and limits of freedom. But the subject remains inexhaustible and complex. Rousseau, an 18th century philosopher, had this to say about freedom: “Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. Spinoza, a 17th century philosopher, said this about freedom: “Such is the human freedom that all men boast of havi

Today’s culture is rife with clichés and preconceptions about freedom, beginning with the idea that freedom is nothing more than the ability to “do what you want. This course has modestly attempted to go beyond this simplified view to explore the conditions and limits of freedom. But the subject remains inexhaustible and complex. Rousseau, an … Read more

Power, Politics, and Culture Overview In your second assignment, you created a professional development plan using EI building blocks and motivation. In this last assignment, you will examine how politics and power influence an organization and its culture. In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture and may hinder organizational productivity. In your role as consultant, you observed power and politics influence on the corporate culture.

Power, Politics, and Culture OverviewIn your second assignment, you created a professional development plan using EI building blocks and motivation. In this last assignment, you will examine how politics and power influence an organization and its culture. In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture and may hinder organizational productivity. In your role … Read more

Evidence (Levels I-VII) found in Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 4th edition In hospitalized patients aged 65 years and older with decreased mobility (e.g., patients requiring assistance with activities of daily living (ADL), changes in positioning or ambulation) ((P), does an early ambulation/mobility program (I), compared to traditional pressure injury care (Q2 hour turn clock, specialty mattress, off-loading, etc.) (C), reduce the development of hospital-acquired pressure injuries (O) in 21 days (T)?

Evidence (Levels I-VII) found in Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt, 4th edition In hospitalized patients aged 65 years and older with decreased mobility (e.g., patients requiring assistance with activities of daily living (ADL), changes in positioning or ambulation) ((P), does an early ambulation/mobility program (I), compared to traditional pressure injury care (Q2 hour turn clock, specialty mattress, … Read more

Communication During a Debate Written Assignment Criteria for written assignments: Type your full name, course name, and date in the upper left-hand corner of the page Type your subject in the center of the page. The subject should be the name of the assignment Start your writing at the left margin (do not center your entire paper) Use Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman 12-point font Use double spacing Use correct spelling and grammar

Communication During a Debate Written Assignment Criteria for written assignments: Type your full name, course name, and date in the upper left-hand corner of the pageType your subject in the center of the page. The subject should be the name of the assignmentStart your writing at the left margin (do not center your entire paper)Use … Read more

Can We Reduce Carbon Emissions Enough to Limit Global Warming? Argument 1 – YES argument 2 -NO Pick one side 1 include 3 peer-reviewed references supporting your views 2. cite your sources using the APA format 3. complete this assignment in 2 pages Provides a science-based reason for selecting either side. Includes 3 relevant references found in support of the selected argument

  Can We Reduce Carbon Emissions Enough to Limit Global Warming? Argument 1 – YESargument 2 -NO Pick one side 1 include 3 peer-reviewed references supporting your views2. cite your sources using the APA format3. complete this assignment in 2 pages Provides a science-based reason for selecting either side. Includes 3 relevant references found in … Read more

Development of American popular music Each student will research a topic approved in advance by the instructor dealing with the development of American popular music. The student should include within their research social structures, economics, demographics, instruments, artists, etc. A paper of no less than 1500 words will be written based upon your research, including appropriate documentation. Each paper will be evaluated on its grammar, structure, and content. My approved topic is Early Rock and Roll with a focus on just one or two artists and/or bands during that time frame.

Development of American popular music Each student will research a topic approved in advance by the instructor dealing with the development of American popular music. The student should include within their research social structures, economics, demographics, instruments, artists, etc. A paper of no less than 1500 words will be written based upon your research, including … Read more

A bank needs to assign the cost of its IT capacity to a portion of its transactions, but activity levels during its peak-time hours (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM) and off-peak hours are very different. To perform every off-peak transaction with an acceptable level of service, the bank requires a computing capacity of just 100 million instructions per second (MIPS). The same level of service for peak-time transactions requires 300 MIPS of computing capacity, or the current capacity of the bank’s servers. The daily cost of capacity for the bank is $12 per MIPS, or $3,600 overall (

A bank needs to assign the cost of its IT capacity to a portion of its transactions, but activity levels during its peak-time hours (9:00 AM – 5:00 PM) and off-peak hours are very different. To perform every off-peak transaction with an acceptable level of service, the bank requires a computing capacity of just 100 … Read more


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