Kingsborough Community College The City University of New York Departments of Biological Sciences and Mathematics BIO/MAT9100                      Biostatistics Computer Research Project Spring 2022                M.T. Ortiz, Ph.D. Introduction and Background This semester our BIO/MAT9100 (Biostatistics) classes will work with the Speech 29 (Voice and Articulation) and Speech 40 (Phonetics) classes to conduct a joint research project in linguistics.  The students in the speech classes will measure speech sounds in some way in two or more groups of subjec

Kingsborough Community College The City University of New York Departments of Biological Sciences and Mathematics   BIO/MAT9100                      Biostatistics Computer Research Project Spring 2022                M.T. Ortiz, Ph.D.   Introduction and Background This semester our BIO/MAT9100 (Biostatistics) classes will work with the Speech 29 (Voice and Articulation) and Speech 40 (Phonetics) classes to conduct … Read more

Unit 6 Evolution & Classification Study Guide Lesson 6.1 – Origins of Life & Natural Selection 1. Describe what scientists believe the earliest organisms on Earth were like. 2. Explain how scientists believe the first organisms changed over time. 3. The theory of Natural Selection was first suggested by ______________________________ 4. The driving force between evolution is the interaction between organisms and their ____________________. 5. Explain each of the conditions that lead to the evolut

Unit 6 Evolution & Classification Study Guide    Lesson 6.1 – Origins of Life & Natural Selection  1. Describe what scientists believe the earliest organisms on Earth were like.  2. Explain how scientists believe the first organisms changed over time.  3. The theory of Natural Selection was first suggested by ______________________________  4. The driving force … Read more

PACE 111B Program and Career Exploration in Business An orientation to UMGC and exploration of how UMGC academic programs align with professional goals and career options. The focus is on developing and practicing communication, teamwork, professionalism, and integrity skills while exploring ways to create and enhance career opportunities. The goal is to become familiar with the university’s academic culture and expectations; learn about UMGC resources for success; reflect on academic and professional goals, and explore opportunities to shorten programs through transfer credit and other prior learning.

PACE 111B Program and Career Exploration in Business An orientation to UMGC and exploration of how UMGC academic programs align with professional goals and career options. The focus is on developing and practicing communication, teamwork, professionalism, and integrity skills while exploring ways to create and enhance career opportunities. The goal is to become familiar with … Read more

A study of the relationship of business ethics and social responsibility in both domestic and global settings. The aim is to explore ethical and moral considerations of corporate conduct, social responsibilities, policies, and strategies. Emphasis is on the definition, scope, application, and analysis of ethical values as they relate to issues of public and organizational consequence and business decision making in the domestic and global business environment

A study of the relationship of business ethics and social responsibility in both domestic and global settings. The aim is to explore ethical and moral considerations of corporate conduct, social responsibilities, policies, and strategies. Emphasis is on the definition, scope, application, and analysis of ethical values as they relate to issues of public and organizational … Read more

A study of strategic management that focuses on integrating management, marketing, finance/accounting, production/operations, services, research and development, and information systems functions to achieve organizational success. The aim is to apply integrative analysis, practical application, and critical thinking to the conceptual foundation gained through previous study and personal experience. Emphasis is on developing an organizational vision and mission, developing and implementing strategic plans, and evaluating outcomes.

A study of strategic management that focuses on integrating management, marketing, finance/accounting, production/operations, services, research and development, and information systems functions to achieve organizational success. The aim is to apply integrative analysis, practical application, and critical thinking to the conceptual foundation gained through previous study and personal experience. Emphasis is on developing an organizational vision … Read more

write a summery of the Budha’s like and his teachings. Chapters: 3. The Rise of Buddhism The Life of the Buddha The Teachings of the Buddha What events changed his life? What did he do to gain enlightenment? How did his teaching effect the world? font 12 New Roman times Double space. 500 to 750 words (one and half pages)

write a summery of the Budha’s like and his teachings. Chapters: 3. The Rise of Buddhism The Life of the Buddha The Teachings of the Buddha What events changed his life? What did he do to gain enlightenment? How did his teaching effect the world? font 12 New Roman times Double space. 500 to … Read more

Chapter 4: What different elements of Chinese civilization took shape between 1200 and 221 b.c.e.? What were the most important measures in the Qin blueprint for the empire? Chapter 5: What were the similarities and differences among the complex societies of Mesoamerica, the northern peoples, and the Andes? What do they suggest about contact? Where did the early settlers of the Pacific islands come from, and where did they go? What vessels did they use, and how did they navigate? Chapter 6: What military and administrative innovations enabled the Achaemenid dynasty to conquer and rule such a vast empire? How was Alexander able to conquer the Persian empire, and what was his legacy?

Chapter 4: What different elements of Chinese civilization took shape between 1200 and 221 b.c.e.? What were the most important measures in the Qin blueprint for the empire? Chapter 5: What were the similarities and differences among the complex societies of Mesoamerica, the northern peoples, and the Andes? What do they suggest about contact? Where … Read more

Compare and contrast the following types of observational study designs. 1. prospective versus nested case control 2. retrospective versus case control 3. nested case control versus retrospective 4. case control versus prospective • Provide 3 ways that they are similar • Provide 3 ways that they are different • Define any terminology involve Assume that your audience has no prior knowledge of the subject matter. Therefore, you must define any terms that you use for a lay audience You can choose creative ways to present this information such as using a Venn diagram or table.

Compare and contrast the following types of observational study designs. 1. prospective versus nested case control 2. retrospective versus case control 3. nested case control versus retrospective 4. case control versus prospective • Provide 3 ways that they are similar • Provide 3 ways that they are different • Define any terminology involve Assume that … Read more

The Theory and Intervention Case Study Assessment is an opportunity for MSW students to apply critical thinking to explore an identified case, and to select and apply a theory and evidence-informed intervention to a selected case. A series of partial case illustrations will be provided. Students will select a social work-related theory and a specific evidence-informed intervention and apply both a selected case illustration. Students will submit an 8 to 10-page paper which uses a minimum of five scholarly published sources that align with the social work profession (

The Theory and Intervention Case Study Assessment is an opportunity for MSW students to apply critical thinking to explore an identified case, and to select and apply a theory and evidence-informed intervention to a selected case. A series of partial case illustrations will be provided. Students will select a social work-related theory and a specific … Read more

Describe the structure and function of the nervous system. Choose and define at least 8 terms from your textbook describing the function of the nervous system. Be sure to underline the 8 terms from your textbook that you choose. Your response should contain a minimum of 150 words. (20 points) 2. Identify the major divisions and main subdivisions within the nervous system in a diagram of your choice. Then draft a response to how your diagram works together. Research may be necessary. Your response should contain a minimum of 150 words. (20 points) 3a. Explain how a nerve impulse passes along a neuron (8 points). 3b. Explain the process of synaptic transmission (the p

Name _________________________________ I.D. Number _______________________ Project 2 Evaluation 32 Anatomy and Physiology (SCIH 045 055) Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the assignment) when you send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget to put your name and I.D. number at the top of this page! … Read more


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