U.S. Influence |

In addition to cultural factors playing a large role in firm effectiveness, they can also influence the success of individuals on foreign assignments. As an individual business person interacting in a different culture, it is important to understand how that culture can affect your business and day-to-day activities.  -Identify three different regional economic integrations in … Read more

International and Regional Memberships |

Countries participate in international and regional organizations for a variety of reasons including to leverage and benefit commerce as well as for security. Understanding the underlying dynamics of why these organizations have been selected and their impacts is an important aspect of the business environment.  – Identify the different global organizations and regional integrations Mexico … Read more

NUR 3178 – Lesson 2 Discussion |

Read the scenario below and share your findings: Share one traditional medicine you have practiced from your culture. For example, you may write about a herb or tea you take for a certain sickness. Find evidenced-based research articles that report the selected traditional medicine’s history and evidence for or against its effectiveness. Cite your sources and … Read more


For your second research assignment, you are to identify a quantitative research article(ATTACHED) not a summary or literature review, but a bona fide research study–that is in your field of study and read it.  After reading it, you are to provide the following information about it in a summary that is a least 1 page. … Read more

what is critical thinking ? |

Use SEE-I to establish the definition of critical thinking. What is critical thinking? I want you to define this concept in your own words. What does it mean when people utter this phrase? What does it mean to this class? What does it mean to you? This will be the State and Explain portion. Next, … Read more

Week 5 Assignment – Strategic Planning and Management Reflections |

Week 5 Assignment – Strategic Planning and Management Reflections Complete a 2-page description, not including the APA cover page or reference page. Reflect on the course content. How beneficial was the information you acquired in this course? Do you consider the information acquired in this course vital to your expertise as an operational/executive manager and … Read more

Week 2 Assignment – Compare and Contrast |

Week 2 Assignment – Compare and Contrast Complete a 2-page description, not including the APA cover page or reference page.  Please explain what similarities and differences can you identify from this weeks assigned Journal article Theakou and Kriemadis (2007  )and the SWOT analysis presented in section 4.12 of the course textbook?. The paper must follow … Read more

Assignment #2 (PPT) |

Emerging Issues in Health Care Management Select one emerging health issue from Chapter 17 in your textbook: Vaccine Preventable Diseases Bioterrorism Human Trafficking Violence in Health Care Settings Medical Tourism Present a 12 15 slide PowerPoint on the emerging health issue you picked. The number of slides exclude the title and reference pages. Substantial Speaker Notes are required throughout the entire presentation. Below … Read more

Assignment #2 (PPT) – Write My Paper Today

Emerging Issues in Health Care Management Select one emerging health issue from Chapter 17 in your textbook: Vaccine Preventable Diseases Bioterrorism Human Trafficking Violence in Health Care Settings Medical Tourism Present a 12 – 15 slide PowerPoint on the emerging health issue you picked. The number of slides exclude the title and reference pages. Substantial Speaker Notes are required throughout the entire … Read more


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