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Health triumphs free will

Take a specific position on your selected topic (my position is that people shouldn’t have the free will to be obese) — this position could be a side of a debate, it could be a viable solution to a problem within the selected topic, or it could be consensus on a cause for your selected topic. The goal here will be to persuade the audience that this position is viable and reasonable, using source material to support your argument. By the end of the essay, you should make a specific call to action, asking the audience to move forward and work toward a specific goal in solving the identified problem. Use sources to back up the position: “People shouldn’t have the free will to be obese”.

Research Requirements: You are forbidden from just using reference material (dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, Ask.com, or other reference sites). You are forbidden from using journalists or popular media as a source. Any web sites used must meet the standards of academic rigor, meaning that a scholar would approve of the use of the site.
You may use the following: articles from a database, books from the library, blogs from noted professionals in the field, professional web sites, reputable organizational web sites, academic web sites, government web sites, and professional journals. Include a Work Cited page. I have provided approved sources to support my position that “People shouldn’t have the free will to be obese”.

Required MLA Format: 12 Point Conservative Font (Times New Roman). Double-Spaced (check the paragraph formatting – make sure the “Do not add space between paragraphs of same style” box is checked). Header with five items (your name, professor’s name, course, assignment, date). Centered title (not bolded, underlined, or italicized; same font size as the body of the essay). One inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right). Your last name and page number (Doe 2, for example) in the upper right hand corner (0.5 inch from top right hand corner; use the insert page number function on your word processor and add your name).


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