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What did you learn that could beneficial to DNP nurses leading quality improvement initiatives? – Essayde Paper Writing Website

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The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice. The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care (www.dartmouthatlas.org) contains data about primary care, care of people with chronic illnesses, hospital and physician capacity, and so on.

Go to the website and click on the data tab, then on Interactive Maps. From there, select an area of interest to you. Your discussion post will report the data from your search, including:

What did you learn that could beneficial to DNP nurses leading quality improvement initiatives?

What information was surprising to learn?

What more do you want to know?

This is a website I was not at all familiar with. I chose to look through the post-discharge events interactive map. The map breaks down total number of discharges from medical admissions and compares to readmissions within 30 days of discharge. Data can even be broken down further to sort by surgical discharges or other medical conditions like acute myocardial infarctions, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia (The Trustees of Dartmouth College, 2022).

I was surprised to see, however, that the data seems to be from 2015. Without up-to-date data, I am not so sure this would be as beneficial as it could be to a DNP nurse leading a quality improvement initiative. I do suppose it could still be used as comparison data to establish a benchmark for a quality metric, or to compare as historical data to more up to date data to see how readmissions have changed over time. Aside from that, I am not sure this particular map is as useful as I thought when I first came upon it. Even the COVID-19 data map seemed to just be a repeat of information readily available on CDC’s website (The Trustees of Dartmouth College, 2022).


The Trustees of Dartmouth College. (2022). Interactive maps. Dartmouth Atlas Project. https://www.dartmouthatlas.org/interactive-apps/

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