A proper answer must be analytical so beyond the mere description of facts you should include consideration that show that you understood the content. Read out loud before submitting and avoid typos, run on sentences, and grammatical mistakes. Avoid the conditional (would) as you are dealing with facts that actually happened. Rubric Lack of Citations: minus 10 points. Not meeting length requirements: minus 10 points. If the post is too general: minus 10 points. If the post is confusing: minus 10 points.

Your answers must clearly show that you are studying History at a college level; the minimum length for each answer is 50 words. Do not copy your answers from the book as that is plagiarism. You can paraphrase. ALL ANSWERS MUST INCLUDE CITATIONS FROM TEXTBOOK OR OTHER SOURCE GIVEN. This means that you read the chapter(s), you answer the questions by including information you found on your textbook by indicating at the end of each of question at what page you found the details you used in your answers. You do this by adding the follow: (Backman, page #).

A proper answer must be analytical so beyond the mere description of facts you should include consideration that show that you understood the content. Read out loud before submitting and avoid typos, run on sentences, and grammatical mistakes. Avoid the conditional (would) as you are dealing with facts that actually happened.

Lack of Citations: minus 10 points.
Not meeting length requirements: minus 10 points.
If the post is too general: minus 10 points.
If the post is confusing: minus 10 points.
If the language is colloquial: minus 5 points.
Use of unapproved additional sources minus 5 points.
Use of quotations from the book (of more than 2 words): minus 5 points for each quotation.


Quotations from the book of more than 2 words are not allowed because technically that is copying from the textbook. Paraphrase the text you want to use.

Textbook Link: https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/reader/books/9780190070373/epubcfi/6/2[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dnav1]!/4/2/2/2%4050:89


Questions from 7 to 11 refer to the source of the week, “Frankenstein”.


1.)Look at page 623 of your textbook and explain the passage (large quotation starting with “the ablest”) on the French Revolution. What does it mean? Why did the author write that?

2.)What does the cartoon at page 628 mean? Why were cartoons so popular during the French Revolution?

3.)Why is the Haitian Revolution significant in relation to the French Revolution?

4.)How does the painting at page 669 refer to the Industrial Revolution painting by Loutherbourg ? Does the painting portray a positive or negative aspect of the Revolution?

5.)What was the status of working class women and children in England during the Industrial Revolution? In answering this question discuss the “Parliamentary Papers” passages which starts at the bottom of page 689 and continues to page 690. (Pay attention to gender violence)

6.)In what way is the monster in “Frankenstein” human? Describe at least 3 ways for his to be human in terms of emotions, desires, and behavior.

7.)How are women represented in the notes you were given?

8.)Do you agree with the reading about Victor’s selfishness? Explain your yes or no answer.

9.)What are Walton’s motivations to leave a life of luxury to embark upon a trip to the North?

10.) What type of business is mostly mentioned in his letter to his sister? (Answer in 1 word.)


Don`t copy text!
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