Explore Bruce Schneier’s* website – https://www.schneier.com/essays/ (Links to an external site.) Choose one essay of interest to you. Summarize the essay in terms that someone with no IT background can understand, and provide your thoughts. Guidelines: Provide one post with a brief summary of the essay (~100 words), and your thoughts on the topic (minimum 200 words). citations should be in APA format.

Explore Bruce Schneier’s* website – https://www.schneier.com/essays/ (Links to an external site.)
Choose one essay of interest to you. Summarize the essay in terms that someone with no IT background can understand, and provide your thoughts.


Provide one post with a brief summary of the essay (~100 words), and your thoughts on the topic (minimum 200 words).
citations should be in APA format.


Don`t copy text!
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