Introduction to Ethnic Studies-A1-30854 Discuss in a few thoughtful sentences the following question: use quotes and references from the films/and or text to support your views. Discuss: 1. How did slavery and the exploitation of black women by white males affect slave families? focus on the “relationship” between a salve girl 14 named Sally Hemmings, and a 44 year old, married, “slave master,” named Thomas Jefferson. Outstanding Sample Discussion From Last Week!!!! Pleas Note The Detail and Well Placed Citations. Make sure you include text and or film citations in your discussions for maximum credit!

Introduction to Ethnic Studies-A1-30854

Discuss in a few thoughtful sentences the following question: use quotes and references from the films/and or text to support your views.
1. How did slavery and the exploitation of black women by white males affect slave families? focus on the “relationship” between a salve girl 14 named Sally Hemmings, and a 44 year old, married, “slave master,” named Thomas Jefferson.

Outstanding Sample Discussion From Last Week!!!! Pleas Note The Detail and Well Placed Citations. Make sure you include text and or film citations in your discussions for maximum credit!


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