New metaverse games based on artificial intelligence 1. Introduction – social situation pandemic of Covid impact of AI, e.g., image processing (GAN and etc.) Natural language processing (Transformer, i.e., Bert, GTP-3 and etc.) – New trends Covid and AI give our society an huge impact to make it change into a new society. for example, … What new technology is coming out, what social change is happening. Explain

New metaverse games based on artificial intelligence

1. Introduction

– social situation
pandemic of Covid
impact of AI, e.g.,
image processing (GAN and etc.)
Natural language processing (Transformer, i.e., Bert, GTP-3 and etc.)

– New trends
Covid and AI give our society an huge impact to make it change into a new society.
for example, …

What new technology is coming out, what social change is happening. Explain


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